Snowball Fight - Yoru

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Hey! I'm sorry for barely uploading lately. I've been very busy, been working on myself mentally and physically blah blah blah thats all going well. Anyways, I'm just gonna upload whenever i feel like it from now on, cause I feel bad whenever I give myself a deadline and end up not having a new story ready. Hope you all enjoy this one! It was requested by  stxrblitz

This was the most tiresome mission you and your comrades had in months. After barely making it to the aircraft, you had to fight off even more recruits. After finally getting back to base, no one said a word and went straight to bed. You did make a little detour to your secret not so secret boyfriend, before passing out.

Brim found out you and Yoru were dating not even a week in, and for now he decided to look the other way, since you guys weren't distracted during missions and did your job the way you're supposed to. And now, here you are. A year later and still going strong.

You knock on his door, and he opens it for you. You immediately jump into his arms and hug him close. "God, I missed you." You groan into his neck. You hear a light chuckle. "I missed you too." You smile, as he carries you over to the bed in his room. He places you down and lays down next to you, holding you close.

"So, how was the mission?" You turn around so you can look at his face. "It was hectic. We completed it, but if we did one thing differently it would've gone to shit. I'm glad we all made it back safely." You pout and sigh. "I wish I could've come along. It would've been an easy in and out." He huffs. You chuckle and cup his face. "Well hey, at least we have some days off! You flick his head, and he pouts like a little kid.

One thing this man will never lose is his cocky attitude and confidence. But you love him for it. He may occasionally act like an ass to others but he's the sweetest guy underneath all that, at least he means well!

"Y/N?" You blink a couple of times, and rub your eyes. "Yes, Ryo?" "You were spacing out, babe. Maybe go nap for a bit." He quickly plants a kiss on your forehead and basically forces you into a hug, so you have no choice but to sleep. "Okay, okay! I'm sleeping!" You close your eyes, only to open one slightly to peek at him. He catches you peeking, though. He gives you a 'wow, really' look and closes his eyes. You give him a kiss and feel him smile into it. You nuzzle your head into his chest and slowly drift off.

"-AKE UP, WAKE UP GUYS!!!" You groan. Ryo instantly shoots up, frantically looking around while grabbing the revolver he keeps in his nightstand. You quickly grab the knife you keep shoved in between the bedframe and matress. "WHAT!?" Ryo yells, expected to be met with orders to follow right away. Except, it's Phoenix, pretty much jumping and shaking in the doorframe. "GET OUT OF BED LOVE BIRDS, IT'S SNOWING! WE NEED TO HAVE A SNOWBALL FIGHT RIGHT AWAY!" You look him dead in the eye and decide to throw a stinky sock that just happens to lay on the floor next to you at his face.

"PHOENIX. You can't be serious." You cross your arms. "BUT MATE-" "I'll give you 3 seconds to get out." Ryo glares at him The guy runs away, only to pull the same shit with the person next door.

"Well, since we're awake already it would be fun to just go, right?" "These guys are so dead!" He grins, getting out of bed. You chuckle, planning everyone's demise. "Let's do this."

Now, the next thing you both did not expect. It's a hysterical warzone the moment you step outside. Almost all of your comrades are yelling, screaming and chasing one another. Even Viper joined in! A miracle! You quickly jump aside, barely missing a snowball as you hear it woosh past your head. You look at Ryo. "You take the left, I'll take the right side? You smile and get ready to run. "See you soon babe." You wink at him and charge at your first target, Jett. She's the closest, and forms the biggest threat right now. She's easily avoiding all the snowballs, and hits the mosts throws. OUCH! You see her throw a snowball right into Phoenix's neck. You cringe at the thought of having something wet and cold on your neck.

But since she's so focused on Phoenix, you take the opportunity to make multiple snowballs and spray her with them. "TAKE THAT, JETT." You yell out with joy. Your victory is short lived though, as seconds later you get a snowball right on your nose. You hear Sova laugh, as you try to get the cold stuff out of your nostrils. You quickly make one and throw it right at his face as well. Now you both look stupid. "That was hilarious." The hunter says, as he wipes away a tear from laughing too much.

Okay, next! Let's see... BREACH! No, wait, that's too dangerous. He's using his arms like catapults. No thanks.

You don't even have the opportunity to look for a next target. Before you can move, snowballs are spraying at you and everyone else on the field. KJ and Raze's laughter can be heard from a mile away. They decided to build a simple snowball machine. Ha-ha.

Before a huge snowball is about to hit you in the face, you get pulled into a rift, only to find yourself in a safe spot next to the buiding entrance. Ryo snickers. Not a single speck of snowball residue to be seen on him. You, on the other hand? Covered in it. From head to toe. Seconds later you start hearing multiple people surrender. The machine gets shut off. Raze and KJ high five on their victory.

You and Ryo walk back to the group. He holds you close to keep you warm. "That was interesting." Viper says. "BUT SO MUCH FUN!" Jett and Phoenix say in unison. You all laugh. It was very much needed, after the last mission. And if this wasn't enough, sage walks outside with a huge tray full of mugs filled to the brim with hot chocolate and marshmallows. What else could you want?!

Another cuddle session after this, perhaps. That would be nice. "Babe, I wanna cuddle after we're done with this." "Sure thing." He kisses you on your cheek. You melt into him. "I love you." You whisper, only for him to hear. "I love you more." You look up to him and he grins. "No, I love you more!" You hug him.

"EW GUYS, GET A ROOM!" Phoenix yells. You both blush. "HOW ABOUT YOU AND JETT GET A ROOM? HUH?" Ryo yells back at him. To say those 2 got flustered was an understatement. "Don't worry guys, we all know." Cypher tells them. The group bursts out laughing. "It's very obvious you two fancy each other, non?" Chamber says.

You take two hot chocolates off the tray and give one to Ryo. As you take a sip, you can feel the warmth entering your body again. You let out a content sigh. "Wanna ditch these guys and go cuddle right now?" "Yes, please." You look at the man next to you. How did you get so lucky?

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