Flowers - Sova

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HELLO MY SCRUNKLY WUNKLIES!! I just wrote this with a kitty literally sleeping on me and it's super cringe but I haven't really written in eons so please enjoy this long, cringy ass oneshot LMAOOOO! (Haven't checked for weird sentences or shitty ass spelling so if you see something that doesn't make sense lmk!!!)

Your day was painfully long. 2 briefings, training, and it was also your turn to make dinner. What oh what are you going to make? You decided on something easy. Pizza. Fresh out of a frozen pizza box. Low and behold, dinner was ready within half an hour. There were multiple kinds of pizza's to choose from. You picked a couple of 4 cheese slices and some with pineapple.

You scurried off to your room to eat your ungodly amount of slices in silence. Finally. You're about to finish the last episode of a show, a slice of pizza stuffed into your mouth while you hear a knock on the door. "NO" You yell. "YES" A voice which you know all too well replies. You sigh, pause the darn show and get up to open the door. It slides open, and the hunter appears. "Missed me?" He grins while walking in, arms wide open. "Maybe a little!" You say, with a cheeky grin on your own face as well, as you embrace him in a good ol' hug.

You guys hit it off ever since you got into the Valorant Protocol. He is such a humble, caring human being, and you love spending time with him to this day.

"So, mister hunter man, how was your scouting mission on this fine day?" You ask. "It wasn't very special. I did not find anything useful, but I did find this!" He opens a little pouch on his belt and holds out the flower. "It is a white camellia flower! It means adoration, and is given to someone who is well-liked. I immediately had to think of you with everything you do for all of us." He gives you a half grin, while scratching his head.

You give him a bright smile. "Thank you so much! I love it!" You take it, and your fingers brush against each other. You miss the creeping blush on the hunter, as you turn around and open your storage, looking for a vase to put the flower in. You turn around again, and see him standing there. "Did you eat yet, Sova?" You ask, walking up to him. "Not yet, how come?" "Let's get you some pizza and catch up in the common area! We didn't see each other for 3 days. I have so much to tell you!" You excitedly grab his hand, not noticing he intwines his fingers with yours, and pull him with you towards the kitchen.

It's been a couple of months. Once in a while after his solo missions he would bring more camellia flowers. You decided to preserve the older ones in a book. The last flower you got was pink. He said it meant longing, and is given to people who are missed. His last mission was a week long, and you missed him too. A little more than you would like to admit. You keep on imagining little scenarios in your head. What would it be like if you guys were together? Not that it mattered, cause being with someone isn't allowed anyways. Not in the protocol. You understand, but can't shake off the feeling of disappointment.

But right now, you're sitting in the roof garden. Watching the stars in the midnight sky. Sleeping early was nothing for you. You like being alone when the world sleeps, and everything is quiet. You let out a sigh of disappointment, realizing you've been thinking about the hunter all night. Sova, or as Fade revealed, Sasha. You say his name in your mind. It doesn't satisfy you. You try saying it out loud. "Sasha." You hear footsteps coming up behind you. "...yes?" He replies. You shoot up and turn around, quickly getting embarrassed to the point where you sink to the floor and cover your face. "Are you okay, A/N?" He says, worry clear in his tone while he crouches down next to you. You lightly punch his bicep, and look at him through your fingers. He looks worried, and amused. He's never seen you like this before. Normally, you're composed, witty and honestly? Pretty darn funny. But you always kept your cool. Until tonight.

Was it the glasses of whiskey you drank after coming up here to keep warm in the night breeze? Or did your mind wander off too far again? You will never know. All you know is the hunter is crouched down right next to you, holding your shoulder to keep you steady. You meet his eyes. You can feel his breath. Unable to control yourself any further, you lean in. Just a little. But enough to let the hunter know what you want. You can feel your cheeks flush. Was this really going to happen?

Your eyes shoot open. The moment they do, you can feel the throbbing headache from drinking a little too much. You can't remember anything from last night. You groan as you get up, already cursing yourself for making the decision to drink more than you should've. You spot the nearly empty whiskey flask next to your bed there is maybe enough for 2 or 3 more glasses. Holy hells, how did you drink so much? And how did you get here? You have so many questions. You scurry over to your bathroom, drinking a big glass of water to make you feel a little better. You tidy up as best as you can, and head out to get some breakfast. You have a meeting in a couple of hours, so you should probably prepare for that as well.

You walk into the meeting, and sit down next to Sova. You greet him, but he just kinda nods instead of his usual greeting. You shrug it off, he might have a bad day. The meeting starts, but it quickly turns to background noise when you remember that you can't remember what happened last night. You get slightly upset at yourself for getting it to this point, and decide to just focus on the meeting for now.

It's been a couple of hours. You keep on remembering bits and pieces, but can't quite put the puzzle together. Sova has been distant too every time you started speaking to him, probably busy with something. As you turn a corner, you bump into KAY/O, and you bumped your head onto his chest quite hard. You are about to say sorry to him when you suddenly remember everything. He didn't lean in, and looked shocked. He pulled back and stood up, walking away. You can feel tears trickling down your cheeks. "Are you okay, A/N?" A robotic voice asks. "I'm sorry KAY/O, I really gotta go!" You rush past him, to your room. You fall down on your bed and let out a big sob. How could you be so stupid? Did you misread all the signs? Why would he give you all those flowers? Was it just a friendly gesture? You feel so stupid.

The rest of the week wasn't much better. You didn't expect to care about him so much. Yes, you really enjoyed spending time with him, but it was all friendly and it felt right. And you fucked it up. You avoided him like the plague. You could sense he wanted to speak to you. Others started noticing it as well. What is going on? Was one of the most trending topics in the common area.

2 weeks later you find another camellia flower in front of your room. It's the pink one. He's missing you. It has a note attached to it. "We need to talk. Meet me on the roof tonight." You are doubting. Should you go? Probably. Do you want to? You don't really know, but you are curious. You both could've handled it better. Your emotions got the best of you, and you're not really great at them. You muster up the courage and end up going.

And you don't regret it, at all. When you walk up the stairs, you see fairy lights everywhere, trailing up towards the garden and weaving through the tree branches. It looks breathtaking. The stars in the sky finish it all off. And there he is, standing with his back towards you. You walk up to him, the only noise is your soft steps, and the crickets in the garden. "Hey." He turns around, immediately pulling you in to a bear hug, and you both relax into it. "I missed you so much." He says softly, pulling away after a moment. "I missed you too, Sova." You say, while slightly awkwardly standing there. He holds out his hand for you to take, and you grab it. He leads you both to a bench, and he sighs loudly. "We need to talk." You nod, letting him speak first.

"First of all, im sorry for pulling away that night. I did that because I was surprised and because I didn't want to take advantage of you while you we're somewhere in between tipsy and drunk." You nod. "It all makes sense now, and I really appreciate that. But why did you kinda ignore me the day after?" You ask him. "I felt a bit awkward after rushing off like that and since it looked like you didn't remember I didn't want to bring it up." He scratches his head, and you start making sense of everything. "That makes sense, I do want to apologise for almost forcing myself onto you. I didn't know what came over me, these feelings are all so new to me and the alcohol certainly wasn't helping." You look down at your hands that you've placed on your lap, embarrassed. "It is okay, I forgive you." He takes one of your hands and places a red camellia flower on it. "Want to know what it means?" He half grins at you. "Is it something like: 'I am so embarrassed of you and never want to speak to you again?' Or is it something else?" He chuckles. "It is something else. He tilts your chin up, so you are looking into each others eyes. "It means love, passion and deep desire." You feel your cheeks flush a dark shade of red, and you try to stare at the floor. He grabs your chin again and tilts your head up. He stares at your lips. "May I?" You feel yourself blush even more. You don't say anything, and just lean in. His lips are perfect, soft against yours. This is going to be an interesting night. ;) (FOOK THE VP RULES AYOOOOO)

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