Brother - Sova

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Requested by Shikanarai

If there was only one person in the world you could look up to it would be your brother, Sasha. He's been through so much, and he's still standing. You were living in his shadow, but you didn't mind. He taught you everything you know, and you knew he cared for you as much as you cared for him. He took care of you when things were tough. In battle, he takes care of what's in front, you watch his back. That's how you've always worked together. But then he joined an organisation, and after that another. He left you back at home, saying he needed to take these jobs to keep you and your grandma safe. That was a years ago.

But here you are. After doing a tiresome agility course, and showing off your gadgets and skills you're now shooting targets at the Valorant protocol practice range. The protocol desperately needs new members. Sasha accidentally spilled that this is the current organisation he works for, and he doesn't know that you applied.

You occasionally glance to your left. A man named Brimstone and a woman named Sage are keeping an eye on you. Dummy after dummy gets shot down, holes in the center of their heads. You take your bow, and shoot and explosive arrow towards a group of dummies. Not long after someone enters the range. Speak of the devil. "Now that was a wonderful shot!" a familliar voice says. You can feel yourself smile. The last target falls to the floor with a soft thud.

You respectfully nod to the man and woman on your left, and turn around, smiling at the familiar man. "Good to see you too, Sasha." You run up to him and give him a big hug. He just stands there, dumbfounded. After a few seconds he throws his arms around you and laughs. After a while he pulls away, keeping his hands on your shoulders. "What are you doing here? Is grandma okay? Did something bad happen? How did your aim become even better?!" He starts rambling and you giggle a bit. "Woah there, buddy! One question at a time."

Before you can answer all of his questions, Brimstone interrupts the two of you. "As you probably already figured out, Sova, your sibling is here to show us their potential. We're in desperate need of new agents to help us out, and Y/n here has shown us everything we need to see. We decided to let them join us." "Thank you, sir. I'll do everything I can to help out!" You shake Brimstone's hand and give him a nod.

You look at your brother. He looks proud, but slightly concerned at the same time. You know he has a lot of questions, and doesn't completely agree with you being here. You feel kinda bad that you showed up here without letting him know, but you just felt like you had to. You love fighting next to you brother, you're an unstoppable force together.

You give him a shoulder bump. "Okay, ready to catch up Sasha? I have so much to tell you!" You grab his arm and pull him to the common area you saw earlier. "Yes. Let us talk, Y/N." He gives you a smile.

After catching up for a while, and getting introduced to some of your fellow agents, you and Sasha decide to go out into a town close by, and walk around for a bit. You both pick out a small present for your grandma, get snacks and bring up embarrassing memories you both wish to forget. After all, you won't have a lot of time to talk about little things like this anymore. The world needs to be protected.

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