The Awkward Twins

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The worst thing about having a twin, is that at the end of the day, you are still under the same roof. For the rest of my freakish day I had Emely by my side making sure I didn't have a meltdown again.
"Hey, do you still want me to come over?"
As much as I loved my bestfriend, I just wanted to say no. My heart felt droopy, I felt like I was just the bad side of my half life. I know this sounds oh so dramatic, but Oliver really had me in a tight grasp. He's so dreamy, and always looks put together, so how can he be so into my dirty, boobie loving, sweating, man breathing dirt breathe of a brother.
Oh shoot, was thinking to hard.
"Sorry, what did you ask?"
Emely rubbed my back as we walked to my car. She grabbed my keys and all I could do was hug her. I have been heartbroken before, but now that Noahs involved I just feel worst , all I wanted right now was to be driven home, snuggle into my bed, and play with my hair.
The car ride is long from school to home. The radio was turned up as me and Emely were bopping along, the windows were down and the sharp fall air breezed against my smooth silky skin. Past the post office, through the neighborhoods, and up the hill, I finally got home. Noahs car wasn't in our driving lot, and me and Emely immediately noticed the missing red volvo.
"Guess he didn't want to face me"
"Or maybe he's out with his friends you weirdo, lets just go inside, I bet your mom made a fresh pan of cookies".
We walked inside, no smell of freshly poured batter, or steamy cookies being taken out of the burning, hell hole called the oven. I turned disappointedly towards Emely who rolled her eyes.
Emely and I hung out for hours, laughing, gossiping, singing, relaxing, i'm so happy to have her in my life. But the time past and she looked at her brand new shiny purple apple watch.
"Oh shit, i'm so sorry Seth I have to go home or my moms going to kill me, are you going to be alright?"
I nodded, it was nice to have company but now all I needed to do was lay down and cry. Emely slipped on her old "white" converse and I watched to make sure she had safely gotten into her car in the mysterious night. I slipped on my record player and spread across my bed. The purple lights, soft music, and sound of rain trinkling down my window made me really think. I was taken to a new world, I felt so airy, like I could just run through the whole universe. Unfortunately my day dreaming had come to a end as a startling knock had met my door. The tears tickling my nose had vanished as I took my sleeve to dry my face. The knocking got more intense.
"Jesus wait."
I opened the creaky white door to see my brother standing before me with a worried expression. I forgot I lived with him.
My feelings had become numb and all I could do was give him a threatening look. A, I know kind of look. Noah pushed the door open causing me to stumble backwards.
"We need to talk"
"I'm suprised you have time to since you're so busy sucking the life out of my crush. I mean who even does that."
He looked down at his perfect new shoes. God I wish the rest of the school knew how he was, that he wasn't the perfect boy, the perfect listener, or the perfect friend. That he was just the selfish, know it all, Noah that I had to grow up with. Him and I took a seat on my bed. He began with a subtle, "It isn't what it looked like". I gave him a sarcastic "mm" and a nod.
"Look Seth, you're my brother, I love you-"
"I bet"
"Just let me finish. If you tell anybody what you saw, I will take you down with me by telling them your little fag secret"
"Wow, so mature Noah, blackmailing me to not tell anybody you're gay, by threatening to tell everybody I am?"
"Whatever Noah just give me some time."

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