The Bomb

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After school Oliver plopped into my car as we drove away like a young crazy couple through the familiar path way back to my cozy home. This time felt heavy though. The same drill happened, Oliver and I, joking around, being free, he was just so perfect. Maybe I didnt need Emely. Again, like the time before, and the time before, and the time before, Oliver had gone to the bathroom. I turned on my show as I waited for my dreamy guy to come back. I've began to notice that everytime he ask's to hang out, it's always at my house, and he always uses the bathroom. Im not judging though, what a man needs to do is his business not mine.
Normally it takes my Oliver about 5 minutes in the bathroom but hes been away for about 15, I put my phone in my pocket and got up to go see if he was okay. Who knows, maybe he fell in.
"Ohh Noah, oo"
What the fuck was that. Did Noah have a girl over, I knocked on the bathroom. Nobody answered.
"Quiet! Seth will hear you."
Oh fuck no. I slither to my brothers room. And guess what I smelt. Cucumber body wash. How could Oliver do this to me, and how many times has he used his "bathroom time" to go be a sneaky slut in Noahs room? Without even thinking, I cracked open the door, and wiped out my phone. I forgot all about my plan but, it was back, the fuck, on.
"Ohhh Noah, Ohh yes"
This was so disgusting.
"Thats it"
I had gotten enough footage, and I didnt want to see anymore, god my eyes felt as if the were burning.
I ran back to my dream world of a room. I felt so betrayed. At this point I wasnt even upset, I just wanted to rip someones eyes out. I saw Olivers phone on the charger. My charger. I grabbed it like a pack of angry gorillas. God what was his password. Ughh!
I got up and locked the door, I needed some privacy for this. I tried every single one of my un loyal boyfriends passwords. His birthday? Nothing. His name? Nope. Cats name, locker combo, lunch code. God nothing. Then I tried the last source. I punched in 6624. No fucking way. My boyfriends phone number had been Noah, my brothers name. I opened up their text. Nood after nood, flirting after flirting. God what was wrong with them.
My phone buzzed.
Again? It was Emely. I did NOT want to talk to her. I quickly took photos of the text messages then marched back to Noahs room, threw open the door, and threw the phone at these goofy ass fags.
"Get your horny ass up. Get dressed like a big boy, get your bag, then get your ass out of my house."
The two of them stared at me in shock.
"Seth I-"
"I dont want to hear it."
After hours of yelling and breaking up, I curled into a ball on my bed. What has my life turned into.

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