Getting close

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Me and Oliver's date had went great. He brought me to sandys beach, of course it was to cold to actually go swimming but he had set up a picnic as we sat there giggling and playing with our food, after that he took me to this romantic restaurant, my heart was so full of joy that sometimes I thought I was going to stop breathing. He payed for our dinner, how attractive.
"So, how was your day" he asked. Ugh god, just cream into my mouth already.
"It was perfect, thank you so much for this"
My hand planted on his manly thigh as he slide closer, he gently grabbed my face, winked, and leaned in for a juicy kiss. His soft lips met mine as my heart kept questioning if this was really happening, his daily scent never tasted so good as left his mark on my body, I felt like nobody else was there.
Oliver had driven us back to my place. My parents had gone on their hopelessly romantic vacation to get away from us kids. Noah was in his room, and I prayed to god he wouldnt ruin my night like he did my life.
We layed in my bed, purple LED's and the sound of the soft music felt like it was pushing us closer. Oliver twirled my hair as I snuggled into his soft sweater. Dear god, please never take me out of this wonderful moment.
"Hey, im going to head to the bathroom"
He planted a kiss in my lips I watched as he magically walked away, thinking nothing of it.
Weeks went on, and seeing Oliver regularly had became a norm for me, and I loved it. As for Emely, I felt like I had no time for her, sorry girl but I had to get this piece of hotness before Noah snatched him up, speaking of my bestfriend.
"Hey Seth" Emely had began to sound, how do I say this, dull?
I smiled at her, on my way to class, atleast 7 people had said hi to me, and each time felt as if Emely was sinking back.
"So can I finally tell you what I was going to say, ive been waiting for about like a freaking week now."
"Not now, I see Oliver"
I patted her on her shoulder as she moaned. God, cant she just be happy for me, like I finally get my moment.
"Hey babe"
Oliver winked at me, he elegantly drapped his hand into mine as we began to finish our walk to class.
"Am I still coming tonight?"
"Of course, I love seeing you"
He chuckled and I let out a pleasing smile before walking into class.
At lunch I walked over to my usual table to see Emely, this random girl, and jason sitting together.
"Hey girlys" I said with my upbeat voice. Nobody answered, they just looked around at eachother.
"Damn okay, whats your guys deal? What, are you on your period again Emely". I know what you're thinking. What I said was really messed up, but normally when I say this, Emely starts screaming with laughter like a crazy person. But this time, she strongly stood up, and the look in her eye scared the shit out of me.
"You, Seth, a man, do NOT get to make your little stupid jokes like that to me. You think that you're some sort of a main character, going out with the cool shady gay boy, ignoring me, im done with it! I have been trying to tell you the biggest news of my life and your to self centered and narcissistic to even care for what I have to say, you Seth, are NOT my bestfriend, but just a bump in my storyline, and I need you to stay away from me for now on, oh yeah! And this is my girlfriend, Jaya. Bye now"
Wow, all I could say is wow. Emely had just dropped a huge bomb on me, and wait hold on, girlfriend? What!
In that moment, I felt like a terrible friend. Emely had just sat back down, her new girlfriend gripped her hand and kissed it. Ponds were coming to my eyes as I began to take steps backwards. I knew it was just me against the world now.
The rest of the day I was unfocused, each little thing I noticed I wanted to report back to my bestfriend, my partner in crime, but then get a flashback of my worst nightmare. My partner had  just become my enemy, and if thats how she wanted it, she got it.

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