Chapter 7: Be Normal

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It's been three weeks since the crazy dude attacked me and nich. We both looked like shit but felt good we defended the kids.

I had ended up with a cracked rib, my stomach is still lightly bruised, I had bruises still that we're going away on my face, and my back was bruised and achy.

Nicholas had a busted lip, black eye, stab wound in his back, and a small bruise on his stomach area.

We were starting to look much better though! When penny saw me a day after the hospital she flipped. Like seriously she was screaming and almost in tears. I understood why though, I was her top model and got her a lot of money and publicity.

But she was a tad over dramatic.

I was currently making pancakes in my Nike pro shorts and a white t shirt with my hair down in light waves when arms wrapped around my legs.

I looked down and smiles at Dylan.

"Hi dylan! Did you just wake up?" I smiled at him.

He was in his footsie pajamas that had cars on it and his hair was stuck up in some places.

"Yaaaaaa" he said smiling.

"Wow I wish I was a morning person like you!" I smiled and picked him up in one arm holding him on my left him while my right hand flipped the pancakes.

He held onto me with his head on my shoulder while he hummed a song from what I think is Wonder pets.

I began to sing along with him and he giggled and sang along with me.

I began to dance with him after the pancakes were done, singing the words and twirling him around.

I heard some giggling and saw Nich holding Lily, bare chest, sweat pants, hot messy hair and a big smile on his face. Lily was cracking up though at us.

I smiled and put Dylan down in his chair with pancakes and went over to nich, taking lily from him.

"Are you laughing at me??" I gushed at her, making her laugh harder when I tickled her neck.

Nich went over to Dylan, still smiling and cut him his pancakes for him while I got Lilys food ready which was mashed pancakes.. For some reason she loved them.

I put her in her high chair and fed her making her copy what I did.

"Open wide!!!" I smiled while opening my mouth, she giggled and copied me as I put the food in her mouth.

"Nom nom nom nom nom" I said to her as she chewed making her crack up again.

Suddenly I felt a pinch on my butt and I yelped and looked behind me to see Nich smirking at me while going to the fridge to get juice.

"Did you just?..." I said trying not to smile and pointed to my butt.

He shrugged "Did I?.. Oops" he said smiling now.

I rose my eyebrows at him and started slowly walking to him "So you admit it?"

He laughed lightly and poured juice in a sippy cup for Dylan.

"Maybe.. Why?" He asked giving the cup to Dylan who began drinking it and lily shoved mushed pancakes in her mouth with her now messy hands.

I saw the sink nozzle could come out and extend and began walking towards it watching him.. As he watched me.

He suddenly saw what I was doing, his eyes widened and he ran over to me as I grabbed the nozzle, extended it, out it on high cold water and sprayed his face as he got to me.

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