Chapter 3: Don't Tell Me No

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I woke up the next day with major back pain and-.. Well let's just say my whole entire body ached.
I groaned, got out of bed and took a hot shower.
Once I was done, I got dressed into blue skinny jeans and a loose white v neck shirt with a little pocket.
After I was dressed, I put on socks and then put on ankle boots with a heel.
I then blow dried my hair, straightened it, then did light makeup.
After I brushed my teeth, I put on Chapstick and a little lipstick then sprayed perfume on me and walked out of my room to go eat breakfast.
As I walked into the kitchen my phone went off.
It was my mother..
I hadn't answered any of her calls since she sold me off.
"You should answer that. Or I will hold you down and make you doll." Nicholas said coming into the kitchen and I glared at him.
I answered my phone.
"Hey mom.." I spoke
"Hey honey.. How have you been?.." She asked
"Really mom. You're asking me how I am?!" I asked with attitude.
"I saw your posters around town of your show yesterday.. You did great honey.." She said changing the subject.
"Thanks.." I said
"Honey.. I know this is a horrible time to ask for any favors.. But i really need you.." She said
I let out a huff "What is it?.." I asked
"Well.. Your cousin Reina just died.." She said
"Reina?.. W-what happened?!" I asked sitting down and gaining attention from Nicholas.
"She was in a car accident.." She said
"Oh my god.. Wait. Doesn't she have a son?" I asked
"Yes.. Which I wanted to talk to you about.. Honey.. I have to leave to go help your aunt with everything for a month.. And it's not a good place for your cousin.. So I was hoping maybe you could watch him for a month?.." She pleaded.
I thought for a moment and then sighed "Of course." I said
"Oh thank you sweetie. I'm bringing him tomorrow." She said
"Okay. Bye" I said
"Bye.. I love you." She said
I sighed "I love you too" and hung up.
"What was that about?" Nicholas asked
Time for the puppy eyes.
I stood up with the cutest/saddest face I could make.
"Oh no. What do you want?" He groaned.
"How do you know I want something?.." I asked walking closer.
"Cause that face. Spit it out" he said
"Well.. My close cousin.. Died." I said now face to face..
"Im sorry" he said
"Yeah.. And.. She had a baby... And my mom is going to go help the family for a month and it's not a good time for the baby to be there..." I led..
His eyes almost popped out of his head.
"NO." He said standing up from his chair.. So now we were not face to face.. He was towering me.
"I already told my mom I would watch him for the month..." I admitted.
"Jessie!!!! Why?!" He asked
"Because! They need me to do this! It's family! Wouldn't you do that for family?!" I asked
"No! Cause I don't really have family!" He yelled
"Aw... Well this is a chance to learn about families!" I said
"Jessie n-"
"Don't tell me no Nicholas Garrison." I said stomping my foot.
His eyebrows rose in shock "Excuse you?" He asked
"No! Excuse you! Your poor wife's cousin just died and has a chance to help with the poor baby! He's an orphan now.." I said
"Did you just pull the wife card on me?" He asked
I batted my eyelashes "Maybe.." I said and made a pouty face.
He sighed "Jess.. How old is he?.." He asked
I looked up for a second doing math to figure it out..
"You don't even know how old he is?!" He yelled in amazement.
"Shut up! He's like two?..." I asked kinda.
"I don't know Jessica is he two?!" He yelled
"Did you just call me by my full first name?" I asked glaring.
"Yes. Yes I did!" He yelled glaring back.
"Well Nicholas Fredrick Garrison!!!" I yelled and he slapped his forehead.
"Two can play that game. And yes he's two! I'm sure of it!" I yelled
"Agh! Oh my god! Yes! He can stay! But he's all your responsibility! K?!" He yelled
"Or is he one?..." I said recounting.
He sighed "I'm going to work bye." He groaned and walked away.
"THANKS BABY LOVE YOU TOO" I yelled sarcastically.
I heard him chuckle as he shut the door and I laughed a little too.
My phone suddenly began to rang.
My mother again!
"Hello?" I asked
"Honey.. Um.. Apparently your cousin had another baby..." She said awkwardly.
"Another!?" I asked
"Yeah.. She had one son and the youngest is a girl.. One is almost 3 and the other is ten months."she said
"Ugh fine!" I yelled
"Okay.. Thanks sweetie! Bye!" She said and I hung up.
Nicholas is going to be surprised.
I turned to grab food when..
My phone went off again!
"I swear there better not be a third!" I yelled and answered my phone without looking.
"Well hey baby... But I think I should be more upset at you since you've been ignoring my calls"
Oh god. Tyler.. My boyfriend.
"Tyler. I'm sorry.. I-I thought you were someone else." I spoke
"It's alright.. I saw your posters from the fashion show.. You're also in magazine in another mans arms.. Which I would love to hear about If you don't mind." He spoke obviously angry.
Tyler had a very short temper..
"Tyler.. I need to talk to you about something." I said
"That's what I thought. Meet me at our cafe In ten minutes." He said and hung up.
Yep he's pissed.
I ran, grabbed my purse and then sunglasses, running out the door and getting a taxi.
Why haven't i boughten a car yet? I'm planning to for my next check!
After ten minutes, I arrived to Our cafe.
It's literally called Our Cafe.
I walked in and saw Tyler sitting at a table and he stood up when he saw me.
I took off my sunglasses and put it in my bag and walked to him.
"Hi Tyler" I said
He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the cafe.
"Let's walk around in the park." He said and we began to walk around.
"Spill" he ordered.
"Well Tyler.." I said
And I explained everything that happened.
At the end of it he looked overly pissed off.
"You fucking kidding me?!" He yelled
"Tyler.. I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do." I said
"Yes there is! We run away together" he said stopping and facing me.
I laughed a little "Tyler you know I can't do that. My work.. I love my work." I said
"Looking like a slut for others isn't work." He said rolling his eyes.
My jaw dropped "What is with you?.." I said upset.
"What's with me?! My stupid girlfriend won't run away with me because she doesn't love me" he yelled
"Tyler I did not say that." I said
"No but that's what you meant!" He yelled which gained people's attention.
"Calm down.." I said
"Fuck you" he said shoving me into a tree.
I yelped in shock and in pain as he glared and just walked away from me.
Suddenly paparazzi ran over to me "Are you and Tyler over?!"
"Are you in an abusive relationship?!"
"Is that the first time he's hurt you?!"
"Why didn't you stick up for yourself?!"
"Do you think you're a slut?!"
"Is it true you and Nicholas Garrison are married?!"
I felt my chest tighten up.
Hold it in.
I shoved myself between them and began walking quickly to get a taxi.
No luck. And more paparazzi was showing up.
I suddenly saw the place where Nicholas works.
I ran into the building and security stopped me.
"I'm Nicholas Garrisons wife. " I said
The security guard looked at me with a smirk.
"You're Jessie Daniels right?" He asked
"Just let me through." I said
"Go on ahead miss" he smirked and I quickly went forward as I noticed paparazzi video taped me saying that.
I walked to the elevator, went to the top floor, and past the stupid receptionist who yelled "Ms! Ms!"
I found Nicholas door easily and walked in.
He was on the phone and the receptionist ran in behind me.
"Sir I'm sorry! She just ran in and I didn't know what she was doing!" She said
"I'll call you back David" Nicholas said and hung up.
"It's okay Tammy. Shut the door please" he said
She looked surprised and shut the door after walking out.
"What're you doing here?" He asked
"Oh well you're not going to believe the day I've had already had!" I yelled
"Um.. It's only like two in the afternoon " he said chuckling
"Nicholas do not fuck with me right now." I said and he Rose his hands in surrender.
"So first, my mom called so not only one kid is staying with us, two are! Then Tyler called me, we went out, I told him why Id been ignoring him, he yelled at me then shoved me into a tree and left me! Then paparazzi showed up asking a billion questions, one of them was 'Did you and Nicholas Garrison get married?!' Then I got here, I was eye raped by your security guard and had to admit in front of paparazzi that I was your wife!" I yelled out.
Nicholas was wide eyed from my outburst "Wait who shoved you?"
"Is that all you're going to say?!" I yelled
"Jessica! Who shoved you?!" He asked
"Tyler! My boyfriend! Well ex now!" I yelled sitting down.
Today was not my day.
This just hasn't been my week actually.
For some reason Nicholas actually looked pissed.
"Wait.. Why are you mad you had to admit we're married?" He asked suddenly.
I looked up at him "Well cause I don't want to be married Nicholas! I'm eighteen years old! I was supposed to start my life!" I said annoyed and then added "And you're not really what I wanted as a husband." I said
He narrowed his eyes at me "Whats that supposed to mean?!"
"It means that you're a play boy jerk! Yeah you're smart enough to be an attorney and gorgeous but you're an ass hole who plays a lot of women! I wanted to have fun! Live my life! Then I get stuck with you!" I said
"Well I don't want you either!" He said
"Oh really!? What's wrong with me?!" I yelled standing up with my hands on my hips.
"Well isn't it obvious?! You're obviously not smart enough for me. You didn't even finish highschool!" He yelled getting in my face.
I slapped him across the face. Hard enough to make it turn to the side.
"I hate you." I spat
"I've always hated you" he spat back
We stared each other down for a few moments when suddenly he said "Now get the fuck out of my office."
I gulped down the huge lump in my throat and turned sharply on my heel before stomping out and to the elevator.
Once I made it to the security guard and he once again eye raped me I held up my middle finger "fuck you"
I put my sunglasses on and quickly found a taxi and soon got home.
Once i paid the taxi driver and got into the house, I stomped up stairs.
I know what I'm going to do.
With my hands in fists, I went down the left hallway and down to the very end and opened the door.
Nicholas kept his room quite clean.. But it won't be that way when he gets home.
I'd done everything, I broke his mirror, dumped out all of his clothes, dumped everything out and some thing we're in the toilet.
I then had turned on the bath tub with the plug in and left the water going along with the skinks.
I then trashed his bed, and even found a stray cat to leave on his bed.
I looked around the room satisfied by the horrid look of the place and then shut the door.
I walked back into my room, shut and locked the door and fell into bed suddenly feeling tired.. I'll take a nap and then leave before he gets home.
I shot up from my bed and looked at my clock.
It's six... He's home shit!
I jumped out of bed just in time for him to try and open my door.
Shit he's really pissed!
I ran to the balcony doors and saw a vine against the wall of the back of the house and began climbing down it.
Once I had gotten to the bottom and jumped, I turned and ran towards the front of the house.
As I ran to find a taxi I heard the front door open.
Shit shit shit shit!
I kept running as fast as I could in heels.
Why did I wear heels today?!
In the middle of thinking about that, strong arms wrapped around my small waist and hoisted me over the broad shoulder.
"Put me down!" I yelled
"I can't fucking believe you" Nicholas growled and soon we were back inside the house.
He put me down after slamming the front door and stared at me with a murderous look. He was still in his work clothes which was a nice suit. He had taken off the jacket that matched but he still had on the black slacks, white button down that was tucked in, and his tie loosely around his neck.
Which scared the hell out of me because it reminded me of when I had told my father I wasn't going to give him money.
"W-whats wrong?" I asked trying to play it off.
"What's wrong?!! I got home after a long day or work to see my room torn apart! Which you're cleaning up you bitch" he spat
"What the fuck happened to your manners?! You think it's okay to treat people like trash?!" I yelled
"Me?! You're the one who came to my work yelling at me! I hadn't done anything but then you talked shit about me!" He yelled back
"Maybe cause you think you're soooo much better than everyone! You're so full of it! And such an ass hole!" I yelled
He stepped forward so close he was right above me and I stepped back.
"Oh so you can talk shit to me but you get scared?!" He yelled with his hands in fist they were white.
I didn't say anything.
"You know what you are Jessica?!" He asked
"What?!" I yelled
"You're a selfish, prideful, bitch! You think I'm cocky?! You use your looks to get money!! I've only met your mother who is an amazing person! So what the hell happened to you?! Where's your dad anyways?! Is that why you're so stuck up!? Cause your mom treated you like a princess and your dad wasn't there to give you discipline?!" He yelled
For once in a long time a tear ran down my face.
He stared at me with anger but sorrow in his eyes.
"Yeah you're right. I don't have a dad. And I accepted the modeling job when I was sixteen because I knew that's all I was good at. Which by the way, I began helping to pay bills for my mom. I was used all through school! So why not get paid for it?! Cause I'm so stupid, I can't do anything else!! When I started modeling and they started putting posters of me around the city, my dad found me! And begged me to help him with money problems! Money I hadn't even made yet! I couldn't help him! And why should I after he left me and my mom?!" I yelled on the verge of tears.
"Do you want to know what he did to me when I said no Nicholas?! Or do you already know what he did since you know everything?!" I yelled
He kept quiet. Listening.
"He fucking beat me." I spat.
His eyes flickered with pain and he put his hands on his hips looking down.
"My dad beat the hell out of me! It took almost forty minutes till a cop noticed he was trying to kill me." I said
He looked back up into my eyes.
I was breaking.
I finally blew up.
And damn Nicholas Garrison witnessed it.
Tears were going down my face now constantly and I let out a sob as I ran passed him and upstairs to my room.
I slammed the door behind me and grabbed the closest thing to me.
The lamp.
I grabbed it and threw it across the room and it shattered against the other wall.
I slid down the wall crying the hardest I had since I was a little girl.
I cried for everything. I cried for my mom, Tyler.. I cried because of Nicholas and my father.

I was now broken.

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