Chapter:6 Moonkits destiny

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I woke up with the sun shining through the entrance. Rosefur was sitting there with her mouth old kits. "Can you watch my kits while I take a walk outside?" I asked. "Sue." I gave her a nod and left. It was beautiful. The line of mountains that surrounds us was amazing I climbed one and looked at the world. I finally walked down and went back to my kits. I got there and Moonkit was opening her eyes. I gasped in shock, she had all violet eyes. I new she was blind but the next thing surprised me the most was what she said "Hi mommy." "Can you see me?" I asked in a worried voice. "Yes I can see you." I breathed a sigh of relief. Then the others were opening there eyes. Cloudkit had green eyes, Rainkit had blue eyes, Sunkit had bright green eyes, Skykit had sky blue eyes and Dreamkit had sapphire blue eyes. They all started to play except for Moonkit. "Why aren't you playing with the others?" I asked Moonkit. "I'm not interested to play." I looked at Rosefur and she nodded. "Come Moonkit I want to show you something." I walked outside Moonkit blinks when she saw the outside I walked her to the medicine-cat den and Stormcloud was trying to sort herbs. I was about to ask if he needed help but Moonkit beat me to it. A leaf fell from his mouth but Moonkit picked it up and gave him the leaf. "Thank you Moonkit." Her eyes shown like stars. "Do you want more help?" Moonkit asked. Stormcloud answered with a smile "of course. Thank you Moonkits." Then I had a vision of older Moonkit.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Moonkit was sorting herbs when a apprentice comes in and helps. "I think your the best medicine-cat we had. Thank you for teaching me so much." Then the vision faded.
I looked at Moonkit and smiled. She was done and we went to bed.

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