indulgence (yizhan)

588 11 3

Xiao Zhan whimpered in pain when he lay down on the hotel bed. This was the third day that his hip has been bothering him. At first it was only a mild discomfort, but today, it developed into a full blown ache every time he tried to move his lower body. It got to the point of getting in the way of shooting his newest period drama, in which he needed to be hung from wires, repeatedly.

He groaned out loud before he called his manager, admitting defeat.

"Get me that massage therapist you've been pestering me to call since last week."

"Finally you see some sense in my advice now, huh laoban? It's not like you to admit defeat so easily..." His manager snickered on the phone.

"I have to, otherwise I can't go on filming for the rest of the week. Also, do you have to rub it in my face, like this?"

"It's fun. Anyway, let me get back at you, laoban."

Xiao Zhan was drowsy from the aspirins he popped in when he heard his phone chirp with a new message from his manager.

Your hotel, 3 p.m.

He looked at his watch, it was already 2 p.m. Maybe I should eat first before getting tortured by a stranger. He groaned some more before he ordered a takeaway.

The takeaway came a bit later and he strained to get up and open the door.

But instead of takeaway, he was head to head with the most beautiful human being he had ever seen, and it made him sputter a bit.

"Y-yes, can I help you?"

"I'm here for..." he looked at his phone, "Xiao Zhan?" The man was dressed in all white. White shorts, white polo, and he brought with him a white bag.

"Yes? And you are...?"

"Wang Yibo, your massage therapist."

Maybe his mind was filled with the tail-end of the drug haze, but he swore he saw this... man gave him a once over, a very hot once over. He did that too, obviously, and he was really pleased with what he saw. It's not a sin to have a very, very attractive massage therapist that he could ogle at while he was tortured into oblivion.

"Your 3 p.m?" He added after what seemed to be an eternity of Xiao Zhan shamelessly ogling the man.

"Ah.... Yes, I'm sorry, please do come in." He moved aside to let his massage therapist come inside. And thankfully the takeaway came at that time too, so he wouldn't have to walk to get the door again.

He put the takeaway on the table as he faced the newcomer.

"How would you like me to be? At my back? Front?

As soon as the words left his mouth, he felt utter horror. Way to make it sound flirtatious, Xiao Zhan. You really have a knack of putting your foot in the mouth. Oh dear Lord ... He was kicking himself mentally and wished for the floor to open up and swallow him whole before he embarrassed himself anymore.

But his therapist only grinned, as if reading his mind, eyes going from top to bottom. It looked like he was used to these double entendres.

"I-I'm terribly sorry. That sounded very inappropriate and I have no excuse for such behaviour except maybe, I was just drowsy from my" he stopped when the other raised his hand.

"It's okay. And to answer your question, I want you to lie on the bed face down. But first, please strip."

Xiao Zhan's brain short-circuited, and he was tongue-tied for a minute.

"S-strip?" He hated how his growing attraction to this young man made him look like an idiot.

But how could he not? When the muscles of the man could barely be contained by his polo shirt. Especially when he moved around flexing more than he should to place his bag on the table.

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