Request Here + Rules

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So here we go again!

This is a Lemon/Oneshot/Short Story book where you guys can make requests for any Characters in the Taimanin Universe, defined as the following series:

- Taimanin Asagi 
- Witch Steel Annerose (And i'm not even gonna charge you $30...)
- And any other series I haven't named here (These are just the main 2)

This will be in the same world as both the main Senran Kagura book as well as the other books assosiated with that. 


I AM NOT going to do any messed up stuff:

- No Mind Break
- No Rape
- No NTR
- No Guro

None of that kinda stuff.

- Y/N will be the guy who is in these chapters (Though since he's a custom character that shouldn't be much of a issue)

- I'll try to make all of these requests work in context of the main book, but if for whatever reason there is a conflict then the main book is the one that takes priority. And if you guys want a chapter with Orobo or another 'Evil' character then I'll use the Evil Y/N instead of normal Y/N. 

- Aside that, request away. Human, demon whatever goes. Request as many characters you want (Within reason... Plz don't hit me with a everyone chapter... Poor Y/N's dick would fall off...)

- Since this is also in the Senran Kagura book too, Senran Characters can be requested too. 

- Also I'll TRY to use images from the series, but that may not always work

- I'll try to get to everyone, but if anyone starts spamming me or anything like that, I'm not doing the request. 

Ok. So there we go, have fun now.

Taimanin Request Book (With SK characters on the side)Where stories live. Discover now