Stripping Down (Ryona/Ryobi Lemon)

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A/N - Requested by Fusrodah210 (I gotchu)
Oh boy... I made you wait for this... Shit... Sorry

This follows on from A little R&R


Ryona's Room

After a Date with Ryobi and Ryona the last thing you imagined from the two sisters was for Ryobi to stuff you into Ryona's closet. Alas this is where you found yourself. With this being Ryona's closet though there is far more than clothes and underwear in here than most girls had, with you noticing how... Risque most of them were. Next to your right foot was a large box filled to the top with sex toys. Again, because Ryona. 

A click from the closet door grabbed your attention though you noticed that neither girl slid it open. So you did it yourself. When you slid the door open you noticed that you could see neither sister. It was at this moment where you noticed that Ryona's room had a large number of strange choices in it. For instance Ryona's room had a stripper pole in, it was right of the bed; In the far right of the room, with around a 1 meter between the bed and the pole. Along with this there was a desk to the bed's left. A chase lounger was against the wall next to a sofa around the stripper pole. Along with a fur one person chair. Alarmingly in one corner of the room there appeared to be a trapdoor with a button mounted on the wall...

Before you could continue continue to inspect the room you heard the pattering of footsteps as the lights went out. You transformed into your Shinobi Turnover form thinking there was about to be a ambush. But as the lights came back on you saw Ryobi and Ryona dressed in some rather... Exotic outfits.

 Exotic outfits

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Ryona had positioned herself next to the stripper pole and was already spinning around it, doing a warmup dance

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Ryona had positioned herself next to the stripper pole and was already spinning around it, doing a warmup dance. With Ryobi, who was way more embarrassed locking the door. You sheathed Guillotine and walked over to Ryobi.

Ryobi - "Y-You better appreciate this!"

Y/N - "You don't realise... Just how good you two look in those..."

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