Priceless (Mizuki Shiranui)

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A/N - This Oneshot was requested by Asbel_Ashland (I gotchu) 

And don't worry this will stay wholesome :)

Oh and BTW this happens AFTER the previous oneshot with Yukikaze(As Shiranui will reference it in a very minor way)
And it will also touch on Yukikaze's dad and Shiranui's Husband, a character that is never mentioned by name... So he's a bit of a blank slate.


Crimson HQ 

You know what you didn't expect to get today? A text from Yukikaze's mother (Shiranui) asking if you had any free time today. It almost caused you to choke on your grass soup that Yomi had made this morning. You were free today, after your Yoma hunt so that's what you told her. Only for Shiranui to request that you meet her at a shopping centre towards the more dense part of the city, rather than the mall you frequented. 
Needless to say you were all confused, in that Crimson Squad were surprised when you told them too. Though you all agreed on something, you shouldn't turn her down. 
So as you geared up for your Yoma hunt and even while you found yourself killing the Yoma alongside your squad the only thing on your mind was... What could Shiranui want?

*Timeskip - 5 Hours* 

You arrived to where you were supposed to meet Shiranui, strange that she didn't want to meet at Gosha Village after all things were quieter there, and you could be more open with talk on Shinobi and Taimanin business. The shopping centre was new to you, you had been to a couple throughout Tokyo, but never here as you and the rest of Crimson Squad tended to avoid the inner city as much as possible. Soon however you felt a feeling of warmth wash over you as you saw Shiranui approach you she was wearing a all black outfit, looking like a buisness woman or a teacher of some kind. 

Thankfully you had time to wash and change so you were not too much of a mess compared to her

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Thankfully you had time to wash and change so you were not too much of a mess compared to her. When she saw you she simply waved and calmly walked over to you as you approached her. 

Mizuki Shiranui - "Ah, I am glad you could make it today Y/N. I was worried that I was too abrupt in my request."

Y/N - "It's no problem, so what's on your mind?"

Mizuki Shiranui - "Not here, let's go find a quieter spot to talk yes?"

Y/N - "Sure, lead the way."

Mizuki Shiranui - "I...Um... Do not know a good spot, so shall we explore for a good position?"

Y/N - *Slightly confused* "S-Sure. Let's go."

So you and Shiranui turned and walked around the mall, Shiranui stood close to you, every so often shooting you a quick glance as she asked if any stores caught your attention. Honestly quite a few did but they were little more than game stores so you said that you didn't. Shiranui looked at you as if she was debating with herself what to say before she smiled and simply said that the two of you keep looking for a appropriate spot. 
Eventually the two of you stumbled across a small cafe, ran by a old couple and was very quiet compared to the surrounding stores. It was not in the shopping centre, but nearby. Shiranui saying that this was the perfect spot for your two's little talk so she beckoned that you follow and brought you into the store, it was a nice little place. Old (But clean) wooden walls along with a polished wooden floor that had ornate carpets displayed across it. The cafe was open, with a small kitchen in the back behind the counter where the drinks were made. Not many alcoholic taps mind you, it was a coffee shop. Shiranui spoke to the kind old woman who greeted you both and asked if you could both have a table. 
After sitting down the old woman put down the small menu and asked that you go to the counter for any drinks or food, since her and her aging husband were partially deaf. 

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