Chapter 3

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Ahhh i screamed
My wrist was burning with an indescribable pain
After falling on the ground, I look up to see who and what I bumped into only to see a pair of golden eyes staring at me

As if it couldn't get any worse it was Prince Jungkook
This was the first time I saw him from up close and even though my hand was hurting tremendously I couldn't help but be captivated. It's as if i was being hypnotized

He came closer and i swore I almost let out a squeal. Will je bite me ? Or worse kill me for bumping into him ? Fml
Take my hand he said extending out his hand
It's as if the words he spoke didn't register in my brain.
For one he talked !?!? And second he .. he's trying to help me ?? This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder

I reach out my other hand to him and he takes it
Immediately when doing so I feel a sudden rush of electricity running through my hand the moment our skin touched. Not thinking much of it i ignore the feeling.

His skin feels so smooth yet a bit cold
Though It didn't bother me like it should've
Thank you .. i bow not looking him in the eye
I decided to get out of there as fast as possible before it became more awkward or before he decided helping me was a big mistake
Wait ! He shouts

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around hesitantly
Y-yes ? I stutter
You hurt your wrist pretty bad come let me take you to the doctors office
Ah there is no need i can manage I don't want to bother you any further
No i insist since it's my fault you hurt yourself

He started walking heading to the doctors office and I followed behind him like a lost puppy not knowing what else to do.
Once we arrived the office was very quiet. It's most likely that the nurse wasn't in at the moment
Uhm the nurse probably isn't in thank you for accompanying me though i said bowing
You know you don't have to do that he says
Do what ? i asked confused

He walked towards me and stood in front of me
Oh .. uhm sorry i just heard you're supposed to bow in the presence of a royal i say keeping my head down
I definitely didn't want to look this guy in the eye

He came closer to my face and said
You don't have to Y/N
My name ? He knows my name ?
My head shot up and I finally looked him in the face.
How do you know my name ? I was so shocked that you could clearly see it written on my face.

He chuckled
This is probably the first and only time I've seen any of them smile let alone chuckle. Heck, they don't even talk to anyone.
Because i just do
Come take a seat and I'll treat your wound

Treat my wound !?!?! I'm literally screaming in my head
You really don't have to i can wait for the nurse

I immediately take a seat like an obedient child who got into trouble by her parent
He sits in front of me and gently takes my hand
He examines it and presses on it lightly
Sorry i was just checking how badly it's been injured
I think you fractured your wrist
You won't need a cast but you may have to refrain for using it for a few weeks

I look at him mesmerized not even paying attention to what he's saying. I did hear something about not using it for a few weeks
I know I'm handsome but you don't have to keep staring he smirks continuing to bandage up my wrist
My whole face takes a shade of red and I immediately look down trying to focus on anything else.

There all done
Thank you prince Jungkook i smile
No need to thank me it was my fault and plus you don't have to add prince
Just call me Jungkook I don't mind he says smiling
Oh-uhm ok ... Jungkook i stutter out

He smiles more brightly after i said his name out loud though I didn't understand why but i couldn't help but smile back at him
He has one of the most beautiful smiles I've ever seen
Let's get going, class is about to start he says helping me up
We walk to the door and before i leave he pats my head
Later princess he winks and walks away

Yeah i died right then and there

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