Chapter 8

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He gently captures my wrist
I see him looking at the ground trying to find the right words to say
Y/n you don't irritate me. It's actually quite the opposite. He says almost whispering the last sentence
Then why were you mad at me ?
I wasn't mad at you really i .. i see him struggle trying to find the right words

i can tell that whatever he wanted to say was hard  and he was struggling.
Never mind you don't have to tell me but don't push me away. For some weird reason it hurts me.
I try and get my wrist out of his grip but he's not letting go
Jungkook i have to go i say softly trying to make him realize that he still has my hand in his
I was jealous he finally spits out

I shoot my head up with shock written on my face, just as he turns his head trying to avoid my gaze
Did i hear correctly ?
I'm so shocked I don't even know what to say
So Lix was right...
W-why ?
Because of your boyfriend. He was clinging to you and i got jealous. I know i have no right to be but that doesn't make me any less jealous. Trust me i can be a real hothead whenever I'm irritated so I'm really sorry for being rude. I didn't want to speak with you until I completely calmed myself down but I couldn't let you believe that you irritated me. Especially after seeing you look so sad.

He left me speechless yet again. I believe what he's saying but it feels so surreal. Did i wake up in a movie or what ? But deep down i know I'm not only relieved but also happy. I don't know for certain what i feel for him but i do know i have deep feelings for this beautiful creature.

I smile and he looks at my confused
Hyunjin isn't my boyfriend
But he called himself your boyfriend I chuckle at his confused little face. Reminds me of a bunny.
Cute I whisper
He was just joking. He always says stuff like that and some people actually do believe him. But believe me when i say it's not true. We've been best friends for a very long time. And he likes to joke around. I reassure him

I see the red tint that coats his cheeks . Probably redder than a tomato
I stroke his hand which is still holding mine
O-oh Ha ha he rubs the back of his neck embarrassed
I don't know where my sudden confidence came from but i lift my hand of and gently stroke his cheek. He closes his eyes leans into my warmth while placing his hand on mine.

I feel a tingling sensation throughout my body and instead of pushing it away I embrace it wholeheartedly.
Soon after our intimate moment he opens his eyes and stares at me. A small smile covering his glistening plump pink lips. I stare at them before he says

What are you doing to me princess ?

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