Chapter 15

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Good morning princess

Waah i nearly scream clutching my heart. I had hardly walked into the room before i see two pairs of beautifully red doe eyes staring at me. It was Jungkook. He was looking like a cute bunny waiting to be greeted by his owner. I physically had to stop myself from patting his head. Who would've thought that one of the most intimidating and scary people in the world could be this cute

H-Hi I managed to let out
Did you rest well ?
Before answering him the whole event of yesterday suddenly flashed back in my mind. My face turned just as red as the apple on the teachers desk.
I-Y-yes i did god did I really have to stutter. Idiot...
Good I'm glad. I wouldn't want my princess being tired now do we ? he said while smirking

Kill me now..
I didn't know what to say or how to respond before Prince Jin came and saved me from this flirty bunny

Yah leave our beautiful princess alone Prince Jin lets out
I- ok bury me in a hole... He did not just say that out loud
As if it wasn't hard enough already talking to them now i see the whole class staring at us
Most were shocked but some had a look of confusion on their face mixed with disgust
I didn't have enough time to overthink before prince Jin gently touched my cheek and stole my attention fully

What are you thinking in that pretty head of yours little one ? He asks smiling gently but i also see hint of concern flashed through his eyes which made them a lighter red for a split second before they turned back to normal
Nothing just ... my eyes dart to the people all around me before he gently cups my chin moving it to face him.

Focus only on me he lets out softly
I don't even know why i would be fighting the urge to resist but all my efforts went down the drain the moment my eyes met his

There is nothing to worry your pretty little head about
Come he gestures me to follow him
Where are we going ?
To take a seat of course. Class is about to start.
I feel Jungkook take my bag from me and Prince Jin leading me to a vacant seat next to him I presume
I mean of course it's vacant. No one dares to sit with them let alone near them.

I almost forgot about the rest of the coven before i hear

Welcome angel


Hi everyone it has been a while since i updated this ff. I'm sorry for keeping you guys waiting. Life has really changed for me the past few months but now I'm getting quite used to it so i will try to update this more. I won't make any promises in fear of disappointing you guys. All I'll say is that i will try my best to update this and all i ask is if you will be patient with me. Love you all 💜

Author K

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