Chapter 19

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Welcome home princess

I look up and see the most magical site I've ever laid eyes on. A beautiful gray stone castle encircled by a garden of red roses. I step out of the limo with the help of Prince Hoseok.
My eyes scan every outside inch of their castle. If outside looks like this then I can't wait to see the inside

I walk up a short flight of stairs and stand in front of a big brown wooden door. The door opens automatically sensing a presence in front of it.

There stands a tall guy wearing a suit with white gloves
Good afternoon your highnesses he says bowing
Ryan good evening. Could you perhaps brew some tea and bring it to the main study ? Prince Namjoon asks
Of course your highness
He bows and leaves

Let's head to the study for some privacy Prince Jimin says taking my hand and leading me to their study
No harm in looking around a bit while walking to our destination.
The hallways are a beautiful shade of gold and white with gold statues and crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling

 The hallways are a beautiful shade of gold and white with gold statues and crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling

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I can't help but almost drooling at the site before me. After walking for a few minutes we enter a another beautiful room with few couches and a large desk in back near a fireplace.

Have a seat sweetheart Prince Jimin gestures me to take a seat on the brown couch adjacent to the fireplace

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Have a seat sweetheart Prince Jimin gestures me to take a seat on the brown couch adjacent to the fireplace.
I take a seat and see Prince Yoongi coming to my left side
So let us all discuss some matters Prince Namjoon starts
I take a big gulp and wait
Y/N as Jimin has said before you are also a princess now and that might come with some changes. Since the bond is still very weak it might be detrimental to be away from you for too long. Which means i would like to suggest for you to start staying at the castle.

Uh ..
I know this is a lot and in no way do i want to make you uncomfortable or forced into anything. But I believe it might be harmful for you and us to be away from our soulmate for too long. Of course I'm not asking you to move in right now but i hope you can consider it he pleads

Me moving in here with them ? But what about aunt Lucy ? How can i just leave her ?
I want to be with my soulmates but what about my old life ? Will that just cease to exist ?

I suddenly feel a hand on my tigh and look up to see Prince Yoongi looking at me concerned
Don't think too much or make any decisions now. I can see the wheels turning in that pretty head of yours.
But th-this is a lot to think about i let out

I know princess but we don't want to force you. We all want to be close to you for as much as you'll allow it but we never want to make you feel uncomfortable. He assures and gives my thigh a light squeeze

Yoongi is right princess. We want you to be with us but on your terms of course. Our bond is still weak but I can't imagine not being near you Prince Jin lets out

Can i have a little time to think about it ?
Of course my love Jungkook says with a gentle smile
Is there anything else i need to know ?
Well we still have to make the bond strong and be officially bonded he says
How ?
I see the others looking at Prince Namjoon as he clears his throat at lets out

Well it's different for everyone but for us it would take a kiss

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