Chapter 10

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What are you doing to me princess ?

I blush hard suddenly snapping out of my trance. I feel so embarrassed. Not knowing how to react so i just stare. He chuckles looking at my speechless face.

Do you want to take a picture ? He says smirking
I immediately yank my hand away.
S-sorry I stutter
Suddenly the floor seems all too interesting
No but seriously what are you doing to me ? He asks teasingly

What do you mean ?
First you make me jealous then you make my heart yearn for you. Don't you feel like you need to be punished ? He says inching closer. I feel his warm breath heating near my neck.

It's not my fault you got jealous and maybe you have a heart problem. You probably need to see a doctor. I say teasing him back
Oh two can play this game your highness.

You're playing a very dangerous game princess he whispers.
Before i know it he takes a whiff of my scent before placing a gentle kiss on my neck.
I shudder from his warm sensual lips. I feel electricity run down my spine
Cementing me in my place
It takes me a few seconds to come back from space.

After realizing what he just did I panicked
J-Jungkook we're in public why did you do that ? I say touching the place his lips claimed just seconds ago.

So ? It's not like anyone would have the guts to say anything anyway he shrugs
But still why did you do it ?
We don't even know each other that well i manage out
Gosh what have i been doing ? I must have been out of my mind. How could i let myself get so caught up ? 

It's so not like me. It's like my body acted on it's own.
I know you well enough he says
Jungkook it's been two days ! I slightly scream
Doesn't he realize that ?!

Y/n ... look I'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable but I didn't see you backing away either.
Do  i make you uncomfortable ? He asks looking at me with this sad look on his face
Great i just kicked a puppy

*sigh* no that's not it Jungkook
But don't you find it a bit strange ?
We technically don't know each other but we have some sort of connection I can't seem to figure out.
It's feels like everything is moving too fast yet not at the same time. I don't know what's going on and it's freaking me out.
I say in one breath

He looks at me with a deeply serious face and says
I know what's going on he says catching my full attention
What ? What is it ??

You're.... You're my Mate ...

You're OUR mate y/n

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