Chapter 4

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1: Rhaegar

He had always been plagued by nightmares, both in dreams and while awake.

While conscious, he had to witness how his once kind, and fair spirited father faded into madness and instability, hurting innocents, while he did nothing but stand by his side and watched with a practised indifference.

He was as guilty as his father, he was well aware of that.

In his dreams, blood, snow, darkness and cold haunted him.

He sometimes saw a girl with silver hair wielding a sword, sometimes he saw a girl with dark hair instead. Other times they fought together, back to back. He had never seen them before, but they seemed familiar.

Other times, on rare occasions, he saw a young woman with silver hair falling off a dragon and landing on the Snow.

What he saw more often though, was an older woman with black and grey armour wielding a sword of Valyrian steel. Her hair was held on a bun, and he could notice some grey strands, which let him know of her older age in comparison to the other girls, and there was blood and dirt all over her body.

She killed something made of ice, and in that eternal darkness, she turned to him.

They stared at each other. She'd open her mouth to speak.

And then he'd wake up.

Rhaegar could never remember her face, but he was sure she was beautiful, and he needed to talk to her, although he didn't know what of.

"What is it?"

"Today's the day." Ser Lewyns voice came through the door.

Rhaegar sighed. That was it. His betrothed would be arriving shortly.

He looked out through the open window and noticed the sun still slept.

He gently shook the woman's naked shoulder. She stirred under the sheets, auburn hair a mess, and a pair of sleepy brown eyes met his. She smiled.

"Again, My Prince? Do dragons ever sleep?" She asked groggily.

He laughed quietly, getting up from the bed and grabbing a robe.

"We do, but not today." He grabbed a pouch of coins. "I'm afraid it is time for you to go."

The woman didn't protest, leaving the comforts of the bed and grabbing her pink dress from the floor. She quickly put it on and Rhaegar took a few steps in her direction.

"Thank you. I had a lovely time." He said, to which the woman snorted.

"There's no need to be so courteous. I'm just doing my job."

Rhaegar shrugged.

"A little kindness never killed anyone."

He offered her a few coins, and the woman paled and her face fell, taking a step back and raising her hands.

"That is too much, Your Grace-"

"I'm aware." He said calmly, still holding out the coins. "Just give the man who runs the establishment the necessary amount and keep the rest for yourself." He shrugged.

She looked at him, trying to decide if he was tricking her, and Rhaegar made sure to keep his face open and welcoming. He understood her fear.

Finally, whatever drove that woman must have won, for she took the coins from him.

"Thank you, Your Grace."

He nodded once and opened his chamber door. Ser Lewyn Martell stood guard outside that night.

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