Chapter 5

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4: Melantha

When the carriage came to a stop inside the outer yard, the young women inside sighed in relief.

While the Stark sisters had opted to finish the journey by horse, their father had rushed them back into the confines of the carriage right before entering the city. Melantha supposed it was more ladylike to arrive that way, but in her current state she doubted it'd make much of a difference.

A young boy opened the door and held his hand. Melantha was the first to be led out, followed closely by Lyanna and Lady Catelyn, leaving the insufferable Lady Lysa to be the last.

She placed Maekar on the floor carefully, and the dog wasted no time in starting to sniff everything and everyone.

Melantha made her way to her father, who was dismounting his horse as he spoke to a knight clad in white. He must have been one of the Royal Guard.

The guard noticed her approach and bowed to her respectfully.

"My Lady, Ser Oswell Whent at your service. I hope your travels were safe."

"Indeed they were, Ser Oswell; and thankfully, much faster than anticipated." She smiled politely. "It seems no one had to wait so long after all."

"Good, then you shall have no argument against heading to the throne room at present."

Melantha and her father exchanged an uneasy glance. She hadn't had the chance to bathe in almost ten days; she smelt, her hair shone with grease and her clothes were dirty, full of dog hair and wrinkled.

"Is there not a chance to spare a few minutes so I can make myself presentable?" She asked, tentatively, although she could anticipate the answer.

"I'm afraid not, my lady. The king is eager to present you to the court." Ser Oswell nodded to a set of heavy looking black doors."Shall we?"

Melantha wanted to go back into the carriage and lock herself in and pretend she was back in Winterfell.

While she had been happy that her journey had finally come to an end, she was beginning to feel the familiar dread which had haunted her mostly at night ever since she learnt of her engagement. It was easy to ignore during the day while she kept herself busy and surrounded by people who seemed not to know when to keep quiet, but once she was left to her own devices and the sun abandoned her for different lands, the thoughts would return to her.

She took a deep breath. If all the other ladies had done it before her, so could she. It wouldn't be anything new, she told herself miserably.

Melantha ran her fingers over the skirt of her blue dress and forced her smile to remain.

"We shall. Please lead the way, Ser; it'd be imprudent to keep the king and everyone else waiting any longer."

Casting one glance around her, she swiftly approached the servant closest to her.

"Could you take my dog to my chambers, please? I wouldn't want him to get lost in a new place."

The servant, a short boy with dirty blond hair, eyed Maekar with slight distrust. The animal was sniffing a flower.

"Of course, m'lady. At once."

"Thank you."

Lyanna walked behind Melantha, who walked behind their father, who in turn walked behind Ser Oswell. One final look back resulted in Lady Catelyn wishing her good luck and giving her an encouraging smile.

The halls of the Red Keep were tall, and their footsteps echoed loudly.

Melantha spared no time in gawking at all the dragons tapestries that decorated the walls, and instead tried to re-arrange her hair and clothes as swiftly and subtly as she could.

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