Chapter 10

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When Lyanna ran up to her on the western gardens, Melantha scolded her for her unruly behavior, but when she uttered the words "Ned is here." in breathless excitement, Melantha took her skirts in her hands and sprinted towards the main entrance.

A big smile formed on her face; the first one in days ever since her encounter with the prince. The prospect of seeing her beloved older brother lifting her spirits instantly.

When she finally emerged in the courtyard, she saw Ned handing off his horse to a stable boy, chatting with a dark haired man as he removed his gloves.


He looked in her direction and grinned at the sight of her, his usually stern demeanor absent as he shortened the distance with wide steps and open arms.

Melantha jumped into the safety that was her brother's embrace and buried her face into his chest, arms tight around him.

"I've missed you so much." She muttered.

"As have I." Replied Ned gently, giving her a squeeze.

She'd never admit it out loud, but out of all of her siblings, Ned was her favorite. They were born one year apart, and would hide together from Brandon whenever he became too much to handle as children, which for someone so acquainted with the quiet as Melantha could be one day on and off.

She and Ned were rarely seen apart, even as they grew up and their duties began to call upon them. Ned would spend half of his time outside learning how to wield a sword, while Melantha would watch from a window as she practiced embroidery and learned how to run a household.

They would share some time during their lessons with the Maester, but she was forced to leave early for some of them whenever the old man claimed the subject was unfit for a woman. Melantha would leave without quarrel, knowing it wouldn't be long before Ned would find a corner where he could share the forbidden knowledge with her. It usually wasn't anything terrible, so she didn't understand why the Maester refused to teach her as well. Melantha found warfare tactics and foreign politics to be essential to any noble, regardless of their sex.

Ned would tell her about the Dothraki, the Pentossi and the Braavosi. He'd tell her how to take advantage of the weather and certain terrains in order to better the odds of battles. She didn't always understand nor care but she listened anyway, because if the information was good enough for the ears of her brothers, then it was also good enough for her.

It all changed when Ned was sent to the Vale to be fostered by Lord Arryn, but soon after Maester Luwin arrived at Winterfell, and he had no issue in teaching Melantha the same things he'd teach the boys.

Melantha had also missed the quiet comfort and peace of mind Ned would bring with him. She loved Brandon, and she knew he'd always keep her safe; but there was something about Ned that made her certain nothing bad would befall her while in his presence.

Someone cleared their throat, and Melantha dropped her arms and looked over her brother's shoulder. The man Ned had been talking to waited with a big smile on his face.

He was very tall, almost as much as Prince Rhaegar, but much broader. His face was a handsome one albeit hard. His blue eyes twinkled with mirth and something else Melantha didn't wish to know about, and they were framed by thick, curly hair, black as a raven's wings.

"Robert, this is my little sister Melantha." Ned introduced them, stepping aside.

Melantha got ready to perform a courtesy, but Robert Baratheon was already in front of her, lifting her up in his arms like a rag doll and hugging her so tight she couldn't breathe.

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