Chapter 13

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10- Melantha

The sounds of cutlery cutting through meat was the only thing that filled the silence of the room as the Starks had their lunch.

Melantha eyed the empty seat with the half-full plate. Lyanna had left after throwing a fit over her the lessons she was being forced to take with one of the Maesters of the Red Keep.

Their father had ignored her yelling, while Ned watched on amused and Melantha remained unimpressed, more concerned about the headache that her sister's yells were causing her than about the girl's immaturity.

It was a relief when she abandoned the room.

"Were you planning on something for the afternoon?"

Both children looked up, caught off guard by the question. Their father rarely inquired about their activities, except on the occasion in which he had to remind them of their duties for the day.

"I have some reading to do before joining Robert on a small hunt." Ned said.

Melantha's face twisted in displeasure at the mention of Lord Baratheon's name.

"I planned on writing a letter for Benjen and Bran, after that I was going to have tea with the queen, then a walk through the gardens with Rh- the prince, and dinner with Lady Catelyn and Lady Ashara."

"Maybe you can intercede with the Queen on behalf of the family, since you've been spending so much time with her."

Melantha and Ned exchanged looks.

"Concerning what?"

"Your sister's prospects."

She froze on the chair, as if someone had dropped iced water all over her.

"Father," Ned cleared his throat. "I believe Lyanna is still too young to-"

"I'm not talking to you, boy." He sneered before turning to Melantha once more. "Since that prince of yours refused to, you could take the matter up with his mother."

Melantha said nothing, staring at her father, trying to guess what he was talking about. She thought of Rhaegar's foul mood some days prior, and she wondered why her father would discuss Lyanna's future with the crown prince.

"You want her to marry prince Viserys." She said,

He nodded.

"Prince Rhagear wasn't happy with the idea."

"Maybe that's because the child can't even talk yet."

He dismissed her point with a wave of his hand.

"He'll grow up."

"Even so, you have to understand it's not the best idea for the Targaryens to marry their two sons to daughters of the same family. There's not much advantage in that."

He grunted.

"That's what he said, but I still think it could be a good idea."

"The queen might still have a daughter though." Said Ned, and shrugged. "If she did, she'd be the bride of Prince Viserys."

Melantha lost her appetite and pushed her plate away.

"Father, southerners don't usually seek out an alliance with the north, least of all the Targaryens. It's not wise to push your luck this way. Besides, it'd be more advantageous if Lyanna was married into another southern house, into a territory we're not rooted yet."

"But the best outcome would be to let her choose, many years from now when she's no longer playing with dolls."

"Leave the politics to me, Melantha. Your only concern from now on is to wed the prince and continue this forsaken dynasty."

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