Chapter 14

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11- Melantha

A hot, searing pain shot through Melantha's stomach and she stared frozen at the figure in front of her. He was no man, but she didn't know what he was.

Everything about him was pale and cold, including his blade, which seemed to freeze every part of her body.

He stared back at her, unfeeling as he twisted the blade inside of her.

She couldn't breathe, for the pain was too much.

Slowly, Melantha looked down at the blood gushing out of her swollen belly, back up at the creature. He opened his mouth.

When she opened her eyes, she was greeted by the painted ceiling of her room, the screeching of the creature slowly fading away.

There was no pain, no cold, only the worry that had inhabited her chest for the past two moons.

Next to her, Maekar slept peacefully on his back, not a worry inside his head.

Melantha sat up on the bed and realized she was covered in sweat.

When she looked around, she saw a maid staring at her from the door. The girl seemed concerned.

"Pardon me, My Lady, but it is your wedding day."

Melantha stared at the young girl, blinked, then turned around and laid back down, pulling the sheets over her head.

Her cover was yanked off of her and she and Maekar groaned, wishing she could turn back time and freeze it on some moment far away from the one she was currently living in.

Someone grabbed her hands, and she allowed the maid to pull her up and guide her to the tub that had been placed there the night before.

She took off her chemise and got in, the water perfectly warm. She hadn't even heard the servants as they filled the tub.

She washed her hair on her own and got out of the water soon after that.

Silently, she sat by a window, where the maid laid her wet hair on top of a towel situated on the windowsill.

Another maid entered the room and began to apply a flower scented oil across her body. Melantha felt uncomfortable with the strange hands handling her but remained still, reminding herself the maid was only doing her job.

The sun shone down upon her head, its lazy heat lulling her back to sleep. She felt something cold brushing her hand and opened her eyes to find a small side table with food and drinks being laid out before her.

She smiled and thanked the servant before taking a small piece of bread.

She bit into it, but found herself unable to chew it, her stomach feeling like a solid rock inside her body, her lungs too heavy to expand.

Maekar walked up feigning innocence, and she faked blindness as the dog subtly stood on his hindlegs and stole a piece of ham.

She sat there while the maids moved about, packing her things to be taken all the way to her new chambers in Maegor's Holdfast, a piece of bread on her hand and the other inside her mouth. She focused only on watching the maids as they worked, and forced her mind to think of only that.

The door opened and Miriam walked in with her girls. They barely paid their respects before setting to work, pulling her up from her seat and undressing her again.

Her undergarments were all red with black thread, as opposed to her dress which was mostly black.

Melantha allowed them to do as they pleased hearing mostly the sound of her own heartbeat as they chatted away excitedly. It wasn't everyday that one got the chance to prepare a future princess.

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