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Rachel had spent all morning in Monica and Chandlers place telling them about last night. She couldn't handle the hurt in the eyes of Ross anymore. She couldn't afford to loss her friend, her roommate and her support system. She knew Ross was mad at her as he completely ignored her at breakfast.

"Yet he made me my favourite blue berry pancakes as he left Monica...! How did I managed to yell at him? He is so sweet". Said Rachel as she buried her face in her palms in exasperation.

"I think that's a Gellar trait. Monica was mad at me for 2 days for breaking her favourite tea pot but yet she made me favourite food and didnt let me starve. Could these Gellars be any crazier"?

Said Chandler as he arranged the books in the newly purchased shelf.

"How could you say that to my brother Rach? I know you were really mad at him at that moment but that was really harsh". Monica pointed out.

Chandler smiled at Monica. No matter how much they fought,Ross and Monica wouldn't let others hurt their sibling.

Rachel covered her face with her hands, ashamed of herself.

"Let it go Mon. She already feels terrible and you are not helping much". Chandler came at Rachel's aid.

Rachel was eaten up by her guilt.

She still remembers the look on his face. It was just heartbreaking.

"I still cant believe I did that to him".

She let out as a tear slipped down her cheek.

"Its okay Rach. He would definitely come around. He cant stay mad at you for a long time". Chandler smirked.

Rachel pulled her hair in exasperation. Only if he didnt ignored her in the morning,they could've sorted it out.

Rachel got up and moved towards the door.

"Where are you going"?

"To apologise to your brother. He dont have classes till 11.00. So I guess he might be at his office. I hope he wont shout at me at his workplace.

"He wouldn't even think of shouting at you Rach". Chandler assured Rachel as she turned to leave.

"Because he love you" He added under his breathe.

"Sorry"? Rachel stopped at her way and turned back at Chandler.

Monica pinched him harder on his shoulder.

"Oww.." Chandler winced in pain.

"I mean..he love his job and would be so engrossed in the pleasure he gets boring a whole class about the things which people doesnt give a shit like old rocks and bones. So he wouldn't even think of shouting at you. Isnt that right Monica"?

Chandler let out a nervous giggle followed by Monica. Rachel eyed them in confusion as she left.

An hour later she was at the front of his office room. He was busy correcting papers.

"May I come in professor" she asked.

"Please come in" he said by not looking away from his papers.

"Ross.." the familiar voice caught him off guard.

"Rach..why you are here"? He looked confused.

"I...I came to apologise about yesterday Ross" she said in a low voice.

Ross stood up from his chair. Walking towards her as he spoke.

"I don't understand Rach. I thought you were not interested to talk to me anymore".

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