Words hit hard!

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Ross Strolled out of his college building. Tired,annoyed and dishelved. As much as he loved his job, he often hated the part where students treat teachers like trash, irrespective of considering the efforts which they are taking for them.

"If they are not interested, then why did they took the subject as their major "?

He muttered under his breath as he paced towards the coffee shop. He was so wored out. He wanted to do nothing but chill with his friends. Some laughs and gossips..he knew he would be okay after that.

Actually he just wanted to spend the rest of the day with 'her'. But it's not so easy the way how it used to be.

He randomly kicked a small stone as he walked.

It's been two weeks since Rachel began to go out with Chip. Everything seems pretty good with them as Rachel appeared more cheary nowadays. Even Monica was convinced at the way how Rachel described Chip. But no matter how hard he tried, Ross couldn't help but hate Chip.

He knew he was supposed to be happy for Rachel. Things are finally getting back to its place for her. After a lot of job hunting, she got placed as an assistant manager at Bloomingdale's. But the only thing he couldn't digest was her relationship with Chip.

There was something off with that guy. Heavens know how he managed to woo her again.

As he entered the coffee shop, he spotted his friends sitting around the table. Discontent spreaded across in his face as Rachel was no where to be found between them.

" Hey guys" he greeted rounding the couch and placing the bag at the vacant chair.
All greeted back and Ross ordered a creame latte for himself.

"So..where is Rachel? Is she is with Chip"?
He tried to sound collected as he sipped his latte.

" Yeah. She took a half day leave from work and went out for shopping with Chip" Said Monica as she erratically flipped the pages of a magazine.

"Rach is so irresponsible man! 2 weeks ago she was bawling her eyes out for being unemployed but once she got the job, She is busy roaming with some random jerks".

All eyed Ross suspiciously. Joey finally stopped complaining about the missing cherry in his cake and listened to Ross.

"Random jerk? Ross..Chip is her bo.."

"I know the relationship between them Monica". Ross irritably cut Monica as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"What is with you Ross? Calm down. Your aura is all messed up" said phoebe as she started to arrange his aura.

Ross massaged his temples in distress.

"Sounds like somebody is jealous" Chandler added under his breath.

Ross almost spitted his latte at Chandlers words.

"Jealous? Why should I be jealous"? Asked Ross defensively.

"Then why do you care so much Ross"? Joey asked suspiciously.

"I.." Ross was suddenly out of words. This was the same question which he've been asking to himself for a while now.

"I...sh..she is my friend". He cleared his throat.

"And I dont want her to date a jerk. I mean..he always used to make fun of Monica. Right"? He turned towards his sister for the support.

" It was years ago Ross. Get over it".

Ross and Chandler stared at Monica in disbelif.

"Who are you and what did you do to my girlfriend " asked Chandler.

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