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                    @Arianagrande baby you look like a short  teenager ❤ 

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                    @Arianagrande baby you look like a short  teenager ❤ 

Ariana Grande: and you wonder why you haven't gotten laid in a week you always say dumb shit  

Justin Bieber : sorry but your just so cute and short 

Ariana Grande: whatever 

Justin Bieber:And don't worry I'm getting laid tonight

Ariana Grande: we will see about that

Justin Bieber : we will 😈 💦 😋 

Dua lipa : you guys are the best couple

Justin Bieber : thank you i feel honored

Nicki Minaj : Ariana come to the studio

Ariana Grande : why 

Nicki minaj : bitch what do you mean why i want you to hop on my album 

Ariana Grande: i knew that i just wanted to tease the fans

Minajesty: and nicki ari collab i cant wait 

Arifanforever: dont tease us i hate you

Justin Bieber : your lucky she tease me all the time and makes me believe she wants me then she fucking curves me, And it annoys the hell out of me yet she still does it    

Ariana Grande : cuz you're so gullible and easy to fool 

Justin Bieber :  @Arianagrande baby why are you so sexy 

Justin Bieber :  @Arianagrande baby why are you so sexy 

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Aribaby: justin because she was born hot as hell 

Justin Bieber : i know right 

Biebersworld: be happy while you have him @Arianagrande he will be mine soon 

Ariana Grande : okay random belieber 

Justin Bieber: you never know Ari i could get tired of you 

Ariana Grande : i swear i'm gonna divorce you

Jarianastan: noooooo 

Justin Bieber: i was kidding babe tell me when you get back from the studio i have a surprise for you 

Ariana Grande : okay 😍

ChazSomers: you guys are so bipolar 

Justin Bieber : shut the hell up chaz at least i have a marriage

Ryan: Roasted 🔥 🔥 🔥 

ChazSomers: fuck all of you 🤣

Justin Bieber : nah i have Ariana to fuck 💦 thanks for the offer though  

Ariana Grande: keep me out of this 😑 

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