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Wifey 💖: babu r u okay 

Hubby🥹:  no not really 

Wifey 💖 : why wont you talk to anyone what is wrong 

Hubby🥹: lately i have just been really down on my self my depression and anxiety is getting worse, all i wanna do right now is have you in my arms

Wifey💖: is that all that is making you like this

Hubby 🥹: my dad wants to come back in my life and i don't know he left me and my mom at an early age and then tried to come back when i got famous, I wanna make the right decision but idk everyone deserves a second chance right. 

Wifey💖:  well it is totally your decision and i respect whatever you choose, my situation isn't the same but my parents got divorced when i was 8 and i have had a rough relationship with my dad ever since 

Wifey 💖:  you know anything that will make you feel better

Hubby 🥹: i just want you 

Wifey 💖: having sex with me will make you feel better 

Hubby🥹: it will but that is not what i meant i just want your company  

Wifey💖: when will you get home i am gonna get the house ready for you and i can ask my parents to keep olivia for a little longer

Hubby🥹: thank u baby( 🥴 my face because i am off my face in love with you) 

Wifey💖: 🥴 right back at you 🥰

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