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                             You guys are so cute @justinBieber  

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                             You guys are so cute @justinBieber  

Ariana Grande : your a cute sleeper i just wanna come cuddle with you 🥰

Justin Bieber : come upstairs i just put Olivia to sleep

Ariana Grande : k im coming 

Justin Bieber : i would love to hear you say that in a different context

AribieberDuet: what do you mean a different context 

Ariana Grande : don't answer that just come upstairs and cuddle me im getting impatient 

Justin Bieber: i would be in bed fucking Ariana then i would grab her leg and put it over my shoulder so i can go deeper in her wet pussy then she would scream at the top of her lungs,  Then she would orgasm and cum all over my dick 

Ariana Grande : i dont wanna cuddle anymore 

Justin Bieber :i'm still coming 

Ariana Grande : fine but dont talk to me 

Justin Bieber :fine with me 

Ariana Grande : good

Justin Bieber : Good 

Justin : can you unlock the door its locked 

Ariana Grande :i'm coming just wait 

Alexa: you guys are so weird 

Chaz: actually though

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