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i wake up and see a naked Ariana with her body wrapped around my naked body, i Quickly slip out of the covers then pull them over Ariana's sleeping body and then hop in the shower 

Once i get out of the shower i decide to be nice and cook Ariana some vegan pancakes and make her a green smoothie , when i'm finished i sit down and watch something while i wait for her until i hear footsteps i get up and go to the stairs hoping to see Ariana but it is just Chaz 

"what are you still doing here" i say

"no one left" he says

"good job last night"

"For what" i say 

"Ariana i heard her last night she was a moaning mess you must have fucked her real good"

"shut up Ariana's coming down" i say as she walks down the stars 

"hey good morning " i say 

"morning" she yawns 

"did you sleep well" 


Then Chaz walks over to me and whispers loud enough for Ariana to hear "you must've not hit it hard enough she can still walk" "shut the fuck up chaz" Ariana blushes and looks down "don't hide your beautiful face" i say while giving her a small peck on her lips, "i'm gonna go shower" she says getting up, "okay" i say 

"SIMP ALERT ": za yells 

" Fuck all of you" i yell at all the boys 

We just chill for the rest of the day 

ME, Ryan Chaz, Fredo, and Za,

and Victoria, Courtney, Ariana, and Alexa

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