Ariana and Jimmy fallon

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kiss me and take of all your clothes

Justin Bieber: i already took off all my clothes Now all i need to do is kiss you

Ariana Grande: OMG your so funny

Justin Bieber: those whistle notes damn baby

TomHolland2013: why are you always calling her baby your not even together

Justin Bieber: i can call her whatever the fuck i want you dumb piece of shit

TomHolland2013: Asshole

Nicki Minaj : if i went naked would you kiss me

Ariana Grande : hell yeah

Justin Bieber : why would you kiss her and not me

Ariana Grande : if i let you kiss me we would probably end up in bed together

Ariana grande : it's not like me and nicki are sexually attracted to each other, Me and you are there is a difference

Justin Bieber: you're attracted to me

Ariana Grande : yeah Dumbass

Chaz: i really like this girl do you think i should ask her out

Courtney: finally you have found a girl you like, Is she cute

Chaz: hella cute

Za: ask her out

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