Ellen show

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Ellen: welcome to the ellen show

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Ellen: welcome to the ellen show

Justin : thank you I'm happy to be here

Ellen : so how are you planning to spend christmas

Justin: spending it with my friends, family and my daughter

Ellen: will a certain someone be spending christmas with you

Justin : well im throwing a christmas party i asked her to come i don't know if she will but i would really like her to

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Justin : well im throwing a christmas party i asked her to come i don't know if she will but i would really like her to

person in the crowd: who is the certain someone

Ellen : is she a starbucks drink

Justin: yes she is the cloud macchiato to be exact

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Justin: yes she is the cloud macchiato to be exact

Ellen : what happened between the two of you are you guys still together

Justin: it's really complicated

Justin : but we're tryna figure it out

Ellen : are you guys still married

Justin: yeah we never really got divorced

Ellen: are you seeing other people

Justin: i can't speak for her i don't know about her dating life, But i can say i'm single

Ellen: what about hailey baldwin you too were getting cozy 

Justin: well it complicated i don't wanna be mean or anything 

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Justin: well it complicated i don't wanna be mean or anything 

Ellen: what is the truth

Justin : i was just using her to get over Ariana, i know it is bad but me and her were never gonna  be serious

Ellen: so she was your side hoe 

Justin: i wouldn't say that that a bit drastic 

Ellen : so you haven't found anyone special

Justin: no it is really hard to find someone that can replace her, She holds a special place in my heart and i love her so very much

Ellen : what your favorite part about her

Justin: ummmm

Ellen: television appropriate obviously

Justin : if we are keeping it PG then i would have to say her smile

Ellen : you were gonna say something dirty weren't you 

JUstin: i was gonna say her eyes 

JUstin: i was gonna say her eyes 

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Justin : well 👀 

Ellen: she does have very pretty brown eyes 

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Ellen: she does have very pretty brown eyes 

Ellen: enough about this grande starbucks drink


Ellen : what going on in your life

Justin: well i have been focusing on myself and my mental health, And what l want in life and just really thinking about me and how to make myself better

Ellen: That's great to hear, Do you have any new music coming out this christmas for your fans to enjoy over the holidays

Justin : no but i think Ari has something up her sleeve

Ellen: that very exciting

Ellen : do you think you to will ever get back together

Justin : i think so i believe she is my soulmate

Ellen: aww justin you are very sweet

Ellen: now will you perform for us

Justin : yes i hope you guys like the song intentions


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