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Matt's POV

By the next day I still hadn't heard much from Joella, I got fed up, so I took Jimmy's advice and went to her place. I had to knock a few times before she finally answered, looking miserable.

"Shit." I breathed out then opened my mouth to say something else as I stepped in more but she cut me off.

"I know I look horrible thanks." She rolled her eyes.

"No, I'm sorry that's not what I thought." I cupped my hand on the side of her neck and touched my wrist on her forehead as I continued, "You sick now too?" She didn't feel hot to my touch though. "Why didn't you let me know, I would have taken my turn to take care of you babe."

"Cause I'm not exactly sick Matt. At least not like you were anyways. Tom decided to pay me a visit, didn't think you'd want to be around for that. What guy does." 

I dropped my hands as I looked at her confused, "Tom? Who the hell is that? Is he an ex boyfriend or some shit? Did he hurt you?" 

She let out a snicker as she answered me, "Well not exactly, I mean it is hurting me, badly, always does. That's why I lock myself away because the pain is always almost unbearable. But Tom is not a person I promise, just God's way of punishing us women monthly. Other people might call the bitch Aunt Flow."

It then clicked in my head, "Oh shit, you mean, you're talking about your uh." I cleared my throat, "Your period." 

"Bingo." She clicked her tongue as she did a finger gun at me.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For just assuming it was some guy."

"It's okay." She giggled weakly, "It's something you are good at, just assuming things." She winked then groaned, "So what are doing here anyways?"

"I came to see you. I just thought, maybe I did something wrong." I told her as I shoved my hands in my pockets. "You spent that week with me then what happened in the shower with us, me in particular anyways. That you decided you wanted nothing to do with me after that mishap."

"Of course not." She rolled her eyes, placing her hands on the sides of her neck, "I told you that it was okay and it was. Plus you made up for it in the end."

"But your facial expression said otherwise." I grabbed her wrists and pulled them away from her neck.

She rolled her eyes pulling her wrists from my grip, "Okay and? That's not enough to scare me away Matthew. I just didn't feel comfortable messaging you about what was going on with me, hence why I said I'm fine. You wouldn't know how embarrassing it would have been to message a guy you just got with about what you're going through."

Actually yeah I do because most of us guys aren't really comfortable talking about that with a girl, no matter how long they've been together.

"I have been around women that's went through that. I do have a mother and I also have a sister. So it's not like it's all new to me."

"Yeah well I didn't feel comfortable saying anything. But anyways enough of that. I don't want to keep talking about it. I'll be right back, right before you showed up I was getting ready to take a hot shower. I'm going to do that now, make yourself comfortable." She motioned to the couch.

As I sat on the couch, glancing around her place, I stretched my feet out and accidentally knocked off a wooden box that had apparently been sitting on the bottom part of the table. I got up quickly to pick it all up, that's when I seen what had fallen out. I knew the guys have done this stuff, and I hated that they did this shit, it wasn't healthy at all. At least part of the stuff I seen anyways.

Of course as I was putting it all back in while shaking my head, she came back into the room and seen me with it.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" She Stormed over to me, "When I said make yourself comfortable I didn't mean for you go through my shit!" She snatched it from me when I stood up with it.

"I didn't Ells, I accidentally knocked it off the bottom of the table and I was picking it up for fucksake. But what the fuck? Are those illegal drugs?!"

"It's none of your business really." She groaned holding the box closer to her.

"Really? Because I'd like it to think it's my business if my girlfriend is doing drugs. So are you, are you doing them? Like that white powder I seen, what is that?" I had a feeling what it was, I just wanted to see what she would say.

"Why does it matter? So what if I do?"

"Because it's your health! Which is definitely not healthy if you're smoking it."

She scoffed rolling her eyes, "I never smoked it, I snorted it. And I haven't done that shit in a while anyways. Last time I did it was when me and Brian had hooked up. And anyways, I'm a grown ass adult, I can do what I want when I want. Just cause we're together doesn't mean I have to ask permission from you to do stuff."

"Right." I crossed my arms over my chest, "So basically you don't give a shit about your health." Ignoring the statement she just said, I never expect her ask me for permission, I don't own her in regard to that.

"Of course I do!" She sat the box back where it was originally sitting.

"Obviously not if you're doing that stuff. It's very addictive and bad for your health."

I don't know why I was getting so mad, she was right, she was a grown adult.

She scoffed, "So is smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol but you don't see me bitching about you stopping that now do you."

"That's totally fucking different Joella!" I scoffed, "At least that's legal unlike that shit." I pointed to the box, "You know what? I don't know if I can be with someone who does that shit. The weed, I don't care but not that harder shit. No way in hell, because it fucks with you badly." I pointed to my head as I backed away from her towards the door.

"Are you, you're serious? You're ending us already?" I could see her eyes start to gloss over from tears but I ignored it, "But Matt, baby, please stop. I'm not addicted to it, at least not anymore. That's been in there for quite a while. Please don't leave, let me explain before you do." She grabbed my arm.

"I'm sorry." I just shook my head, pulling my arm away from her and walked out. Why the hell I was acting that way, I have no clue.

No One's POV

She fell to her knees as the tears flowed, "Please stop." She cried even though he already left and wouldn't hear her.

She then yelled out as she hugged herself while bending over. She didn't know why she was reacting the way she was, but she knew she never fallen this hard for someone.

Yeah she had been hurt by guys before but she didn't have feelings as strong for them as she did for Matt.

Matt shook his head as he drove, he don't know why he acted the way he did, he felt like a coward for not letting her explain like she begged to do. Walking into his house, he didn't feel like being there knowing someone was bound to show up. He didn't want to be messed with, he just wanted to be left alone for a while. So he did the only thing he could think of, he packed a few things and headed to the cabin his family had in Big Bear.

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