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I decided to stay at my parents house instead of the guest house I had been living in. I just didn't want to stay by myself because I was afraid of what I would do if I was by myself honestly.

Matt was constantly trying to call and message me but I just ignored him. Even though he apologized multiple times about what he said, it was hard for me to shake the thoughts out of my head of being blamed. A part of me dreaded when the tour ended cause I wasn't sure if Matt would show up even though the other part of me missed him. But I think if he actually did show up, I wouldn't push him away.

In front of people I would act like what happened wasn't bothering me but when I was alone, my mood was different. I also went back to work at the studio to work to keep my mind distracted.

Matt did apparently show up a day after the tour ended, at least according to my parents. My mom told me that my father told him that it wasn't the best idea at that time. I wasn't there when he showed up because I had started taking therapy sessions a day after I had came back home. I needed to so I wouldn't go back down the road I had once been on.

Within a week of the bands tour being done, I don't know if he tried to talk to me again in person or not. If he had, my parents said he hadn't when I had asked, at least my father did anyways because when I'd ask them, he was the one who would be the one to answer.

I had thought about sucking up my pride and going to go see him at his house. Since I knew he didn't live to far from my place I decided to walk to his place after work. It's something I had been doing, either going for walks or jogs since a few days after I had gotten home. I knew both mental and physical exercise would be good for me.

But what I seen made me stop dead in my tracks. There at one of the small diners was Matt and Val, she was smiling at him with her hand resting on top of his. The sight of him did make my heart feel like it skipped a beat but then seeing them together made me feel a little betrayed thinking he actually moved on that quick. Although, I have no room to talk, because of what me and Brian did a few days after Matt walked out on me over the drug situation, but we didn't jump into a relationship, we only had sex.

After watching them for a few minutes I shook the thoughts out of my head and started walking quickly before one of them noticed me watching. I got home, ate dinner with my parents then locked myself in my room the rest of the night.

No matter what I couldn't shake what I seen out of my head as I cried myself to sleep. I guess I shouldn't have waited so long to try to talk to Matt.

No One's POV

But little did she know, he actually hadn't moved on. Him and Val were just having an innocent dinner as two friends. He didn't see her that way anymore, his heart belonged to Joella and Val understood.

Matt's POV

I went to Joella's to hopefully try to talk to her again but when I got there, no one answered. I don't know if they were just ignoring me at the door or no one was actually not home.

I sighed as I shook my head and decided to leave. Instead of going home I stopped at one of the diners to get something to eat instead of cooking.

Right after I ordered I heard a voice I recognized, I looked up to see Val at the counter. She turned her head and seen me so she smiled but I barely smiled back.

"Hey you." She stepped over, "How are you?"

I shrugged as I tried to not show my upset mood but failed, "Hey, could be better. How about yourself?"

"I'm good. What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I shook my head.

I didn't want to complain to an ex about my current love situation despite us agreeing to still be friends since her sister was with Brian.

"Something is wrong. You can't hide it with me, I know you to well. Talk to me." She said as she sat down.

"But it would be wrong, given our history and all."

"Okay and?" She placed her hand on my mine, "Matt, just because we have history doesn't mean we're not still friends. Don't think of me as someone you used to date, just think of me as any other friend. Something happened with you I can tell and it's better to talk about it than to bottle it up. Does it have to do with Joella?"

"It does." I sighed as I removed my hand from hers to rub my hands down my face, "I don't think we're together anymore and I hate it. And it was my own fault."

"What happened? What did you do?"

I took a deep breath and let it out, maybe it would be good to spill everything to someone who wasn't around when everything went downhill.

"I was an asshole. Joella, she uh, she had a miscarriage a few weeks ago." Which caused her to gasp, "And instead of being there for her, I was so mad and upset that I blamed her for it."

"Matt, sweetie, I'm so sorry to hear that." She grabbed my hand and gave me a sympathy smile, "Why would you blame her though? Things like that happen unfortunately. Sometimes you can do everything you're supposed to do during a pregnancy and a miscarriage can still happen."

"I know okay? I'm screwed up for blaming her. I know it's not her fault trust me. But at the time I was so upset that she was who I blamed and I feel horrible about it, I do. And I just, I wish I could take back what I said but I can't."

"Have you tried talking to her? What am I asking, of course you have I'm sure."

I nodded, "I have, multiple times actually. I've called, messaged and even showed up at her house but have had no luck. I just wish she would forgive me." I blinked back tears, I didn't want them to escape in front of her and especially here in this diner.

"Sweetie, you've got to give her some time to cope. Especially if you said some hurtful things to her. Us girl, we can't just get over something like that in a blink of an eye." She snapped her fingers with her other hand, "You guys make a cute couple, I seen how much you guys care and love each other. You two will work it out I'm sure of it. Hell, maybe I can talk to her, help the situation." She suggested.

I couldn't help but chuckle as I shook my head, "No, that's okay thank you though. That might be a little awkward, my ex talking to my new love about her forgiving me. Yeah we may be still friends but I'm sure that's how she'll see it. Because if the roles were reversed, I'd feel awkward if that happened to me."

She giggled as she nodded, "Okay, I understand. But if you want me to help let me know." She then got serious, "Either way, things will work out between you two I'm sure of it. Especially if fate has anything to do with it. I mean look at us. We didn't work out as a couple but we work out as friends because that was planned all along for our lives. Fate knew we'd be better as friends than anything."

"Yeah, you're right about that." I nodded.

I'm just glad she understood everything. That she didn't see me as a vulnerable guy and try to take advantage of the situation we were in right now.

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