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"So Joella, you never told us how Matt proposed." Lacey grinned as I sat down with her and the rest of the girls.

"I didn't?" I asked and the rest of the girls nodded their heads. I smiled as I stared at Matt standing across the yard talking to a few of the guests. "Well the first time it was actually at Michelle and Brian's reception, during their first dance."

"Wait the first time? So you turned him down when he first asked you?" Michelle questioned.

I giggled with a nod, "Technically yes. I made him think I didn't want to which wasn't the case at all. Then I mentioned the fact I bet he didn't even do it the proper way and ask my father first and that he didn't even have a ring." I smirked with a smile, "So almost a week later while we were having dinner he mentioned that he had lunch with my dad that day. Jerk made me believe my father told him he couldn't marry me."

I giggled thinking back while looking down at my ring, "So in the car he pulls out this little box and tries to hand it to me all basically saying fuck what my father thinks. Me thinking it was an actual ring, refused to take it, without opening the box mind you. Turns out it wasn't a ring, but a key to his house, wanting to me move in with him as our next step in this relationship. But before we went home, he claimed he needed to stop by the studio and then led me to my father's office because that's where we first met." I took a deep breath glancing at Matt as our eyes met and we smiled at each other.

"And?" Gena urged her on.

I broke eye contact with Matt and continued, "He made this speech how we're meant to be together, we're destined to be since fate brought us back together because it was God's plan for us. That's when he reached behind him and pulls out the ring. And That's when he asked me, again, all saying he knew it was traditional for a man to get down in his knee since he hadn't, he said some traditions are meant to be broken." I giggled, "And I basically told him, that my father thought it was a bad idea to be thinking of marriage when we just got back together, so I didn't want to go against his wishes and have him hating Matt nor me. Because my father has been there for me through everything, he stepped up to be a father for me when he didn't have to be."

"Uh, wait, what do you mean when he didn't have to be? Every father should step up and be one to their child. It's a responsibility as a father to." Gena looked confused.

"Oh, yeah about that. I thought you guys knew about that part." I giggled then got serious, "He's not my biological father. He came into mine and my mother's life when I was a baby. Then when they married, I was around 2, he adopted me."

"Awe, that's so sweet." Michelle smiled.

"Mhm, it is." I smiled.

"So, about the whole engagement story. I see a ring on that finger so how'd that happen?" Lacey giggled.

"Right." I giggled because I had gotten off track what we were orginally discussing, "Well." I continued as I stared at the ring again, "Right after I said that. Matt spilled it out how my father actually did give him his blessing to marry me. That's when my father stepped into the doorway and told me that he did, and it was also my father's idea to make me believe that he said no." I laughed softly with a head shake. "So Matt basically asked again and that's when I said yes."

"That is such an amazing story." Lacey grinned and the other girls agreed.

"So basically, third times the charm." Val giggled, "Once at Chelle and Brian's wedding, then twice at your father's office."

"It is definitely." I grinned with a nod then giggled, "I never realized that but that's true."

I looked around the yard, not seeing Matt but all of a sudden I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders from behind me. Smiling I leaned my head back, looking up to see a smiling Matt standing there.

"What you ladies talking about that's got you all giggles and smiles?" He chuckled as he gently massaged my shoulders.

"I was just telling them the story about how you asked me to marry you."

"Figures." He smirked.

"Hey, it's a good story. A story to tell the kids and grandkids as they visit you in the nursing home." Gena giggled.

"Now that's thinking way too far ahead. If we ever have kids they better not put us in no damn nursing home." I joked with a soft laugh.

"What do you mean if we ever have kids? Do you not want kids?" He looked down at me confused as he removed his hands from my shoulders. 

Shit, he took that wrong, I didn't mean for him to. I guess I shouldn't have said if, I should have said when ever. And it's also too soon to be talking about having kids in my opinion.

"Babe, that's not what I meant exactly. We have a wedding to think about right now we shouldn't be thinking about having kids yet."

"I'm sorry, I was only messing around when mentioning the kids thing." Gena piped up.

"No, you're fine Gena." He looks at her then back at me, "So then why did you say if we ever then Joella? It's logical to talk about having kids and how many when you're serious about a relationship."

"Babe, can we do this another time? Like in private, not while we're around friends. This is supposed to be a fun night celebrating your birthday." I said as I stood up and faced him.

"But it's something we need to discuss. And they're more than our friends, they're our family Joella."

"Okay, but this is a conversation we need to have in private. It's not something I want to talk about while almost every one is watching us."

He rolls his eyes and pulls me into the house, "Don't make it sound like we're being watched. I mean honestly so who cares if they are. They're not strangers. Do you honestly not want to have kids?"

"I never said that Matt, fuck." I sighed.

"You might as well said it by saying if we ever. Like you don't believe we will, or you don't want them."

"Oh my God Matthew." I groaned out, cupping my face then ran my fingers down the sides of it, "That's not what I fucking meant okay? That's just how it came out. But talking about having kids is jumping the gun, I don't want to jinx anything by doing that. Hell, given my medical history, I don't even know if I can. Because I mean honestly, look how many times we've had sex, unprotected mind you, that it's a miracle I haven't gotten pregnant. And I'm fine with that-"

He cuts in, "So what? You're fine with not having kids with me? Well I'm not fine with it, I want to be married to you and we have mini me's and mini you's. But whatever." He started to walked away but I grabbed his shirt preventing him from doing that.

"If you would have kept quiet and let me fucking finish Matthew you'd understand that's not what I meant damnit." I groaned then continued, "Before you cut in, after I said I was fine with me not getting pregnant yet I was going to say, we just got back together, just got engaged for fucksake. I don't want to throw a baby into the mix. Not yet anyways. But I do want kids Matt, but after we're married. I'd love to have kids with you actually. It would be the next best thing in my life, besides being your wife that is." I laid it out.

"Really?" He smiled, "You're not just saying that because you think that's what I want to hear?"

"No, I'm not just saying that. I'm saying it because I actually do want that too. Just not right now okay?"

"Okay." He cups my face and we kiss, "I'm sorry for misunderstanding."

"It's okay, I forgive you." I smirked.

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