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Matt's POV

I lead Joella down the hall and to her father's office. Man, I was so nervous and I hoped she wasn't sensing I was as I tried my best to keep my cool. I didn't want my plan to be blown.

"Uhm babe, why are we at my father's office? Wait is this where you guys had lunch?"

"No, we went to an actual restaurant." I then pulled her inside. "This is where we first met each other. I remember when I first seen you walked in, and all I could think was how beautiful you were and your beauty made my heart skip a beat. I never had that happen before. Then I made the assumption that you were a fan and you gave me this smartass answer without denying you were one. But I could tell because of the look on your face when you seen us."

I chuckled as I leaned back against the edge of the desk and pulled her to stand between my legs, "And as you were walking out that day Brian called you a pistol, your dad had chuckled and sorta agreed, but all I could think about was how I wanted to get to know you more. And you always had the greatest remarks, I loved them. I'll admit there were a few times I could tell you were holding back a smile. Regardless, I kept on with my remarks. I kinda wanted to see how far I could push your buttons." I kissed her fingers.

"I was starting to think you actually didn't like me honestly." She giggled lightly.

"Nah, you're too beautiful to hate. That thought did crossed my mind about you too though. But the days we were around each other, there was multiple times I'd glance at you out of the corner of my eye to see you watching me, and it was cute how I'd start to look your way and you'd quickly turn your head."

"You noticed that huh?" She said innocently.

"I did." I chuckled, "But I mean I did the same thing. I couldn't keep my eyes off you no matter how hard I tried. And that night when we were playing pool."

"The night I do believe I kicked your ass." She smirked, of course she'd remember that, every time that night was ever mentioned, she'd bring up the fact she beat my ass at pool, "I seen you looking at my ass every time I'd take my shot. That's why I began to sway it just a little, to give you something to really stare at."

"Is that so?" I smirked.

"Mhm." She nods then pecked my lips.

"When we began to take shots at each other, arguing back and forth, that was the night I wanted to grab that beautiful face." I cupped my hand on her cheek, "And lay the biggest kiss on these lips." I ran my thumb over her lips, "But I couldn't find the courage to actually do it."

"I was hoping you would have honestly. And I mean I know I could have but I was wanting you to make the first move. When you got close, I felt my breath get caught in my throat and my heart skipped a beat."

"I wasn't sure how you would have reacted. And I didn't want to get punched." I chuckled then cleared my throat. "Then of course it had to be Brian who took you home. And when I found out what you two did, I was jealous. Not because he got in bed with you." I shook my head, "It was more of the fact he got to be that close to you in general. The fact you would let him explain the whole girlfriend thing but wouldn't let me explain the situation with Val. It made me think you truly didn't like me that way."

"That's not why I didn't let you explain, it's the fact that you lied to her about who I was. We've been over this." She sighs.

I laid my hands on her hips have them a light squeeze, "I know, I know. Sorry for bringing it up again. Moving on. The night of your accident, when I seen you standing there at that party, I wanted to scoop you up, kiss you and beg you for forgiveness over me being a jackass. After everything happened, I came to see you at the house. After you were released, that's why I gave you that package, with memories and things." I gently played with the necklace I had bought for her to put in the package since she was wearing it now. "But I do have a confession to make, your mom, she uh, she kept me updated on your condition and your recovery. Then everything happened with... Jimmy and I wished and prayed that you were there with me. But you weren't and that's okay, you needed to stay focused on you. Then when we ran into each other, well you ran into me." I winked with a chuckle causing her to giggle, "I seen you wearing this necklace I bought you, and it made me happy that you actually had it."

She looked down and ran her fingers over it, "Yeah my mom made sure I got the package. And I thought it was pretty."

"I had seen it and instantly thought of you." I grabbed her hand, "When I seen you that day, then at dinner together, I knew right then and there, you were the girl for me. You were the girl I was destined to be with for the rest of my life. God led you back to me for a reason, and I wasn't ever going to screw things up again. I never want to let you go Ells. You are my true love, my soulmate." I then reached behind me, opening the middle drawer of the desk, grabbed a ring box and turned back to her, "Will you please marry me?"

I opened the box to show off the ring. It was a heart shaped diamond, with a hint of blue, that was lined with small white diamonds around it.

"I know me not getting down on one knee to ask you isn't traditional but I say screw traditions." I chuckled, "Some traditions are okay to break, and our relationship isn't traditional. Not that I'm complaining because I love how our relationship is."

"My God Matt." She breathed out while staring at the ring, "This is, it's beautiful." She then looks up at me, "But I can't, we can't get married. We can't agree to get married."

"What? Why not?" I frowned, thinking she truly didn't want this, fuck I'm a idiot, "We both love each other, so what's stopping us?"

"My father, Matt if we move forward with this. He might be mad, he could resent you for him basically telling you no and you asking me anyways. And I don't want that. I don't want my father mad at the love of my life. His opinion matters so much to me because he was there for me when he didn't have to be."

"Oh." I smirked rubbing the back of my neck, that's why she's telling me no, well I guess it's time to spill the beans, "I'm going to let you on a little secret. He didn't actually tell me no. That was just a ploy, make you think I couldn't ask you to marry me."

"Are you kidding me?!" She looked at me with a surprised expression as she took a step back.

"I'm serious. When I gave him my speech how we were destined to be together because God and fate leading us back to each other, he agreed, he said there's a reason we were put in each other's way and despite the obstacles we went through, we've overcome them because it was God's plan for us all along. He actually did give me his blessing."

"He's right sweetheart." We heard Joseph say, so we look over and he's standing in the doorway.

"But you made me believe my father hated the fact we were together again, that it was crazy we were even thinking of being married when we just recently got back together." She groaned looking back at me.

Joseph chuckled, "I'm sorry, that was my fault. I talked him into doing that."

"Oh my God! How could you do that to me dad!" She grabbed the little stuffed bear on his desk behind me and tossed it at him, which caused us to chuckle, but she had giggled with us.

"Hook, line and sinker." Joseph chuckled as he caught the bear.

"So what do you say? Will you marry me?" I grinned asking again.

She looks back at me, "Yes, I'd love to marry you Matthew."

I grinned, slid the ring on her finger then kissed her. It was a small kiss, although I would have loved to kiss her with more passion but I didn't because her father was standing right there. That would have been a little awkward.

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