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"There is NO WAY that I am doing that," I say with a glitch of annoyance as Vanellope looked at me with a frown. "Come on! You need a coin, and this is the chance to steal one!" she exclaimed as we made Ralph keep watch for guards. I glared at her and rubbed the back of my neck. "Yeah, but I'm not just gonna go in the castle and steal a coin from King Candy! What if I'm caught?!" I exclaim as Vanellope rolled her eyes. "Yeah, she's got a point, kid," Ralph said carelessly as he kept watch. "Well, it's simple. She will distract King Candy while I go in and take a coin," Vanellope said in a matter-of-fact tone with a shrug.

I would've laughed so hard at the way Ralph whipped his head back to look at Vanellope with a look that asked if she was crazy. "WHAT?! NO! I'm not just gonna flirt with King Candy just to steal a coin!" I exclaimed with a blush on my (skin tone) cheeks while glitching badly. She rolled her eyes, "I'm not saying to flirt with him. Just stall him long enough for me to grab a coin. Act like you're turning yourself in," she explained. I placed a finger on my chin in a sarcastic manner, "Hm, right. Aaand what happens if they take me to the Fungeon? If you don't remember, they arrested me, but I escaped with Ralph. I'm a fugitive," I explained with my voice cracking slightly as my hands glitched slightly.

"Well, then just act like you're turning yourself in," she said with a shrug. I shook my hands beside her head as if I wanted to strangle her, but calmed down enough to talk normally, hands balled up in fists. "FFFffffine! I'll...do it," I say with gritted teeth. She fist-bumped the air and lightly pushed me towards the castle. I glared at her before walking toward the castle door where Wynnchel and Duncan were standing. As soon as they saw me, they got out their batons. "Glitch! Don't move!" Duncan exclaimed as I just slowly raised my hands up in the air in a surrender motion.

I took a deep breath of annoyance and spoke. "I'm not here looking for trouble, I'm turning myself in," I say as I turn around to show that I don't have anything on me and in my hands. They looked at me before opening the door for me, but made me keep my hands up. I glared slightly as Wynnchel hit me in my back, causing me to glitch hard, which made him glitch slightly. "Stop doing that glitching thing, or else!" I couldn't help but glitch on purpose to make him mad. He started to say something, but Duncan stopped him, causing me to smirk (yeah you had to have your boyfriend to stop you).

I only giggled in my head before I made it to the throne room, where they left me alone to go back and watch for Vanellope and Ralph. I don't know what I was waiting for, but it took only maybe five seconds before I heard a voice behind me. "So, you turned yourself in, huh?" I knew that lisp-filled voice anywhere. King Candy, he was talking to me. He started to walk in circles around me slowly. "Yeah, so what of it?" I asked smartly. He only scoffed at me, "But, that doesn't mean that Vanellope will turn herself in." I could only glare at him. "Probably not," was all I said before he spoke again. "So, you wouldn't mind telling me where she is?"

I could feel my hands glitch slightly in anger. He thinks that I'm just gonna rat out my friend like that? "No, I'm afraid I do not," I said calmly. He didn't believe me and stopped in front of me with a smirk. "I'm not sure I believe you, you glitches are always by each other's sides," he said with a chuckle at the end. "Yeah, and Sour Bill is always by your side also, and I can't tell who is the most sour of you two," I snapped at him with a small smirk. He only glared at me, but he took a deep breath and calmed down. His brows were furrowed up in a small frown. "Listen, I really do need you to cooperate with me, please. You both can not be allowed to race," he said as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

I couldn't help the blush growing on my cheeks, the glitch I felt in my entire body, and the glitch I felt in my heart. He isn't a nice man, yet he is being nice to me. I don't think I should trust him though. While looking at him, I can see Vanellope behind him sneaking so quietly as she gently grabs a coin. My eyes widen slightly, causing King Candy to be suspicious and try to look behind him. With my quick thinking, I start to stutter to catch his attention. "I-I-I-I, uh, am very interested about your wins of the races," I say quickly with a stutter with a blush across my face.

I could see Vanellope looking at me with a smile at my improvisation. King Candy looked back at me with a weird look before smiling at me. "Well, uh, I mean, if you would like to," he hesitated before fidgeting with his hands nervously. "We talk more about the races with me," I couldn't help but think that there was an ill intention behind it. I couldn't help but glitch slightly in my legs. It seemed like he noticed because he chuckled slightly. I could see Vanellope making gagging faces, but I didn't react.

"Uh, yeah sure. I would love to, but I don't think I can right now," I said with a small frown. When those words left my mouth, he frowned sadly as well. "Oh? May I ask why?" he asked as he leaned in a little closer to my face. The blush on my face never seemed to go away. Vanellope was almost out of the door that was off to the side, so I knew that I had to quickly leave. "I'm sorry for this," he got confused quickly, so I took my chance and made him freeze up by my glitching. It only lasted for a couple of seconds, so he quickly turned around and saw Vanellope and I escape through the door.

"GET THEM!" I heard him yell as he started to chase us along with the cops. We took our chance to glitch through the walls of the castle, but there were two oreo guards waiting for us, but we literally slid underneath them. I heard King Candy yelling at us, causing me to look back to see that he was close behind us. I grabbed Vanellope and held her underneath my arms and ran faster. "STOP, YOU GLITCHES!" but we did not stop running. I ran until we were met with the huge doors and glitched through them. I ran and ran as fast as I could, like I was the gingerbread man, until we met up with Ralph behind some big cotton candy bushes. We heard the guards looking for us, but did not come over to our direction. We quickly left so as to not get caught again.


We finally made it to the junkyard and we all three took a few breaths. I was laying down on the ground while Vanellope was giggling like crazy. "You-you! HAHA! You should've seen her face! He got really close to her and made her blush! I've never seen her blush like that before!" she said in between giggles. I glared at her as my blush started to come back as I was reminded of how close King Candy was to me. "Oh, shush it! I don't know why he got so close to me like that!" I exclaim as I continue to lay my back on the ground and rub my face with my hands. My body glitched slightly and Ralph sighed.

"Alright, so we got her a coin. Now, what do we do?" he asked as he stood up, clearly wanting his medal back. Vanellope rolled her eyes. "Now, we got to get a kart," she said as she started to walk in a certain direction. "Vanellope, wait...I'm too tired and old to get up after all that running from the guards and King Candy," I say lazily as I reach my hand up in the air and grab nothing. Ralph walked over to me and helped me up and place me on top of his shoulders. "Oh! Thank you, Ralph. You know, you don't have to carry me like this," I say as I pat his shoulder lightly. He just looked up at me and smiled. "Well, I'm trying to be a good guy."

I couldn't help but think back to how King Candy was looking at me like that, the way he was being gentle with me. It was like he was a completely different person.

Could he think of me as not just some glitch?


*Video Up Top* (Y/N) tryna flirt and distract King Candy be like:

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