Chapter Four

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        The next few months were long and hard. They had returned to Casterly Rock. Visenya was silent the entire ride home, closing herself off just as she did when they first met. She spent most of her time now with her dragons, finding comfort in her beautiful children. And the days only seemed to grow longer the further she fell into her pregnancy. Her back began to ache and her ankles grew sore. She wore a permanent frown on her lips since Jaime had refused to allow her to visit her dragons anymore, fearing she would still try to take them on weekly flights. 

      His aunts had reassured Jaime that it was common for a woman to change drastically during her first pregnancy, claiming it was always a woman's fear of childbirth that made her grow moody and short. But Jaime knew why she was upset, she had just burned the bodies of her mother and siblings, and the memories of her little baby sister must've been engraved in her mind. And he was sure she was tremendously worried about her family's history. 

      He figured this out one day when he curiously asked her if she was scared, not wanting to ponder anymore or listen to his aunt's advice. Truth be told he was a little weary himself when it came to childbirth. Women die in childbirth, his mother had and it destroyed his father. Jaime could only wonder if the same fate would fall on him. "I've seen my mother go through it before" She shrugged in response, seeming genuinely unbothered in the moment "It's more I fear for the baby" She placed a soft hand on her stomach. Jaime remembered the many pregnancies of the late queen, the stillbirths and the miscarriages, and the more he thought about it, it actually surprised him how well his wife's pregnancy was faring.

       "Even with the finest maester and midwives that Lannister gold can buy, I will still worry for its safety" He frowned slightly, approaching her as she sat at a small round table in their chambers. "I remember most of my siblings, Aegon was born two months early when I was 4; he was such a small child, didn't even last a year. Next was Jaeherys, he was strong, healthy, and was born with the most dazzling indigo eyes. But one night he just didn't wake up. And then I remember the waiting with Viserys; how in the back of my mind I hesitantly wondered if he was going to die just like my other brothers" Jaime watched as she drew a frown as she continued to glaze her eyes over the book before her. That's when he noticed the unfamiliar glint of silver on her pale hands and he spotted her rings, it was the first time he had seen her wear anything remotely bearing the Targaryen symbol. 

       "And will you wonder like that for our child?" He asked patiently, she paused flickering her eyes to his and giving him a small smile.

       "Every mother worries for the health of their children; I just hope the gods will choose to bless us for all the hard times we've endured" He grew a small smile, now deciding to settle beside her.

       "Are you happy?" He asked, earning a raised brow from her, "Are you happy here?" He continued, watching as she pursed her lips for a moment, her purple eyes shifting for his.

       "Yes" Her answer was short and simple, but nonetheless, it filled his with ease "Although I despise you for getting me so fat" She placed a hand on her swelled stomach "You expect me to sit here and be a lady" He grinned, placing a hesitant hand over hers.

       "I expect you not to fly away whilst you carry our child" Visenya sighed tilting her head back, her reaction only proving that he was right.

       "You really are an arse aren't you?" Jaime shrugged standing up and smiling "Maybe I am"

   Her labor pains had caught Visenya off guard, at first they were uncomfortable, with a few small cramps as she walked the gardens. But by the time supper came she began to scream. Jaime had admitted that he was terrified, a feeling that had surprised him at that moment. After waiting a few hours outside the birthing chambers he grew tired of listening to her wailing and deciding to rush in. The midwives and maester all stood wide-eyed as the young lord rushed to her side "This is no place for a man My lord"  An older midwife with a long face commented. Jaime smiled turning to the woman.

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