Chapter Five

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Casterly Rock,
284 AC

         "Come along Sers don't keep us waiting!" Visenya shouted over her shoulder, a bright smile on her face as she watched a trio of knights struggling behind her, their hands filled with various items. 

      "Would you slow down Senya" Jaime huffed next to his friends, "It is supposed to be a relaxing day" He added noting the private cove before them.

       "Exactly" She grinned kicking off her shoes and feeling the warm sand between her toes. Ever since she had arrived at Castelry Rock she yearned for a day on the beach, an event that had never crossed the Lannisters' minds. 

     "Come sister" Tyrion puffed out his chest, Jonas by his side as the toddler hesitantly waddled through the uneven surface "There is exploring to be done" Visenya squealed like a child, hiking Alexi up on her hip and sprinted towards the crashing waves. She let out a long laugh as her feet hit the chilled water of the Sunset Sea, his sons following with small giggles as the foam wrapped around their small legs and pulled away.

       "Senya!" Jaime shouted, protesting her rush but she did not listen, instead, she followed his little brother into about a foot of the ocean.

      "Calm down Jaime" Micha smirked, dropping the sack for their tent "Let them have their fun" He added, now dropping a small basket the cook had packed.

       "The golden knight's never even known what fun's been like since he left with a golden cloak" Cole snickered, earning a raised brow from his friend who had noticed the large formation of rocks at the cove.

      "That sounds like a challenge Kenning" Jaime grinned, placing his hands on his hips as he slowly unfastened the satchel at his side.

       "Oh I know better than to challenge a Lannister" He followed Jaime's eyes to the rocks "But I'm all up for a dare" 

       "We haven't been cliff jumping since we were children" Mycha smirked, unlacing his vest "And I got scolded for two hours after" Jaime crossed his arms, clicking his tongue against his chest, unaware of how quickly his friends were undressing themselves. He turned, noticing their bare states except for their breeches.

        "Last one there has to polish the armory!!" Cole shouted, pushing past Jaime who quickly flung off his boots, racing them to the rocks and leaving a trail of clothing behind him.

     "It's been a while since I've seen him so relaxed" Tyrion noted as he spotted Visenya's gaze toward the three knights jumping from the cliffs.

       "I would consider our marriage a factor but really you should thank your father for his distance" Visenya turned back to her sons, splashing a little bit of the sea's water onto their torsos. A contagious giggle filled the air as the pair clasped their hands together with excitement. She had never seen such a fire in the twins' eyes, complimented by their wide smiles they seemed to be having more fun now than their first name day a moon ago. 

     "I wouldn't be so sure" Tyrion continued, nudging his nephews towards the water just a foot more so that they would be ankle deep "My brother has revealed in being away from our father but even then he seemed more constrained, colder"

      "Then perhaps it was your sister" She sighed, crouching down to lower herself to the boy's eyesight. Tyrion smirked, crossing his arms and watching his good sister show the twins how the sand slipped through her fingers. 

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