Chapter Seven

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Castlery Rock

287 AC

     "Senya!" His voice rang through her mind, rattling her bones "Senya come on!" She opened her eyes to a familiar sight. Rhaegar had his hand outstretched, a grin plastered on his face as he urged her to follow him down the shores of Dragonstone. He was in an informal set of clothing, with his pants rolled up and his thin tunic rippling in the wind "Come on Mother's waiting for us!" He urged again, this time she took his hand, feeling the excitement of seeing Rhaella's face again. Rhaegar laughed, squeezing her hand and now leading the pair around the rocky shore and towards the cove. Visenya admired the sights before her, the familiar large cliffs to their right and the intimidating, yet lively castle of Dragonstone that loomed over them. The structure had the warmth and fire within it that she had always loved and yet the fine details seemed to be blurred by the looming clouds above them.

        "Look!" Rhaegar urged, forcing her to drop her eyeliner towards the cave. Just before the large opening an elegant velvet tent with charcoal accents and a small furniture set to match. Beneath it stood her mother holding a baby, and beside her was Viserys.

        "Sister!" The young Targaryen lunged toward her, his indigo eyes shimmering at her. "I've missed you" He cooed, burying his face into her gown, the dress she just now realized was a black gown with red needle workings filled with dragons, it was her favorite dress before the war, one that had been burned by the orders of her father when she retaliated against him 

      "We've all missed you" Her mother smoothly spoke, approaching her with the babe still in her arms. "This is your sister, this is Daenerys" She shifted the baby girl in her arms, offering Visenya a small glance at the sleeping bundle. She felt a small curl draw onto her lips and a pull that drew her towards the tent. Viserys directed her to the loveseat sitting on a cushion beside her with a giddy look on his face. Rhaegar stood behind their mother who had taken her place right back in her chair. "Tell me, son, where are your wife and children?" Rhaella asked Rhaeger, looking at him over her shoulder.

      "They're coming now see?" Visenya turned towards the cove and froze. From the jagged rocks emerged Elia Martell, her good sister, now with a beaming look on her face as she led little Rhaenys and Aegon toward the group.

       "Auntie!" The young princess rushed toward her but she froze. Visenya knew this was wrong, knew that the little girl now clasped her hands wasn't real. Her niece was dead, and everyone that surrounded her was dead. She had seen their bodies and listened to hours of King Robert's stories and yet their presence, real or not, warmed her soul. They were her family, they were her home. Aegon followed his sister, nudging her out of the way for a moment.

       "Hello little dragon" Visenya scrunched her nose, running her fingers through his curled white hair "Mama!" He spoke up, confusing her as he kept his black eyes on her "Mama!" Aegon repeated, but now his voice was different, it was more familiar.

        "Mama! Wake up!" Her eyes flung open. She was laying on her side, curled up slightly on a soft blanket as Elias sat in front of her face.

       "I told you not to wake her" Jonas hushed, nudging his little brother. Visenya let out a long breath, now adjusting her sense to her surroundings. She was still on the beach and under a tent but it was now draped with Lannister gold and the Narrow sea was replaced with the waters of the Sunset sea. "You fell asleep Mother" Alexi stood behind his brothers, his blonde hair damp from a quick swim.

       "I did" She pushed herself up, rubbing her eyes for a moment "You were talking in your sleep" Jonas added, crossing his legs.

       "I was?" She tilted her head, watching as all three of the boys nodded. She sat up fully and faced them "You were talking about your family" Visenya nodded "That's because I had a dream about them" 

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