Chapter Eight

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              "Why is it so hot mother?" Alexi huffed as he sat in front of Ser Cole "It is Dorne, everything is hot" Visneya smirked as she gripped the reigns of her horse tighter. Prince Doran had written weeks ago inviting the Lady and her family to the Martell's ancestral home Sunspear. It didn't take much convincing for her as she wished to visit her old friends, it also offered her a moment of distance away from Jaime after her recent discovery, something she desperately needed. It took a little over three weeks before they stood before the large gates. The heat was beating down on their party and the afternoon was not even over. The banners alone forced the Dornish guards inside to shout orders, forcing the tan gates of Sunspear to open almost immediately. Visneya trotted in on her horse, Alexi in front of her as they looked in awe at the beautiful castle. Although it was not as large or intimidating as Castlery Rock Sunspear held a special title in Westeros, it was the most beautiful castle. Visenya had heard dozens of times of Highgarden's beauty but nothing came close to the Dornish homestead. It was like a forest, with large towers of various sizes shooting up into the sky and blended into the orange sun. Within the entrance, a sense of oasis filled the air. Bunches of expensive gifts and exotic flowers poured from every crevice of the castle as elegance oozed from the air, even the soldiers and servants wore gold. But nothing was as elegant as the Martells, Dorne's ruling family that was just as filled with pride as they were with wealth. They stood in a line, all in finely crafted robes and multiple pieces of jewelry that were littered with rubies and diamonds. Their prominent southern features beamed as every single member bore dark eyes, tanned skin, and black hair which made the children hard to tell apart. 

                "Lady Lannister" Doran Martell spoke from the middle of the crowd with a large walking stick supporting his weight and a kind smile on his face as he watched her dismount herself from her stead. "Prince Doran, Princess Mellario" She bowed her head out of respect before approaching the Dornish royals. "We are overjoyed that you would make the journey to see us" She softly shook her head, taking his free hand from his side "To see you? I would come any day" He smiled, squeezing her hands. The Martell's had always been a close friend, an ally to the Targaryens to the very end. They made her feel calm, they made her feel like she was with family again. "You remember my children" He gestured to the beautiful young girl who was in her early teens and a boy around the twin's age "Yes" She turned towards them "It is a pleasure to see you again Princess Arianne, Prince Quentyn" And beside them, in a nurse's hands was a small toddler boy around a year "Our newest addition Trystanne" Princess Mellario commented "Ahh" Visneya nodded, noticing the chilled demeanor of her tone. She picked her head up, grazing the Martell's for her favorite member but not finding him "My brother is on another bend I fear" Doran commented, his brows creasing "That is quite alright" She waved him off "Come boys" She ushered the twins from their spots next to Micha and Cole "My boys, Jonas and Alexi" She placed her hands on their shoulders, tightening her frame again as the Martell's inspected her kin, her Lannister kin "It's a pleasure to meet you" Jonas bowed his head "Our mother has told us of Dorne's beauty but we are afraid to say her words show your lands no justice" Alexi continued, Doran chuckled "Such flattery is not needed young ones, here in Dorne you are family" Visenya smile as he waved over his own children "Why don't you show them around hmm?" Arianne nodded, his bright face turning as she grasped the twins hands and dragged them away with her brother in tow. "I will escort you to your chambers" He slowly made his way towards her and offered his arm "Oh I do not wish to trouble you, she looked over her shoulder for a brief moment to see the Dornish servants already flying off with her luggage "Nonsense, the maester says I need to walk more, plus it will give us a chance to talk."

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