~The Decision~

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"I came here to tell you

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"I came here to tell you.... That I still love you"

It was deadly quite for a couple of moments as Kadie stood there in shock

"What- excuse me - what?"

"I still love you, and I know I probably shouldn't even be here telling you this, I mean your with Sebastian, an amazing guy. But after seeing you last night I knew I'd regret for the rest of my life if I didn't tell you"


"I know, I know a million times over that what I did was horrible and the worst possible thing I ever could have done"

"Harry. Your the one that ruined our relationship, you cheated on me a week before we were going to get married for gods sake"

"I know, trust me Tilly I know. But I have loved you ever since I met you, I've loved you every day over these past three years, I tried to move on but I couldn't. It's you Kades, it's always you and it always will be"

It was silent again as Kadie stood there in shock "you know uhh, your really not supposed to be on this set"

"I'm sorry, I know that this is the wrong timing and the wrong place. But I had to tell you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I want to marry you"

"Oh god" Kadie mumbled, rubbing the top of her head as she panicked

"I know this is crazy but, am I too late?"

"Yes your too late, where was all this three years ago?"

"I was an idiot. And I tried to move on, I really did. But I just couldn't. Even writing music, every time I sat down to write they would always end up being about you"

"Listen Harry, I'm sorry but this just can't happen"

"Ok and I'm sorry. And I will a hundred percent walk away, but only, if you tell me Sebastian is willing to give you everything I am"

"Well of course he is" Kadie said really sceptically "marriage is all he talks about, my god, in fact I'm actually the one that's making him wait"

"You are? Why?"

"Why? Because of the government and all that"


That night, Kadie and Sebastian were down at the restaurant in the hotel, having dinner.

"So, uhh, that marriage stuff you were saying yesterday, you don't actually believe that do you?" Kadie asked

"Sure I do, in face I think the whole concept of marriage is unnatural. I mean look at pigs, let's take a moment here and look at pigs, they don't mate for life, they could have 100 sexual partners in their lifetime and that's just an ordinary pig too"

"So, are you honestly telling me that you might never want to get married?"

"Well never say never but probably, yeah never"

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