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Saturday the 23rd of November 6:30 AM

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Saturday the 23rd of November
6:30 AM

I was rudely awoken at six in the morning by my alarm. I hit the alarm clock to try shut it up, but it wouldn't. It wouldn't stop beeping

"Stupid mother fucking clock!" I yelled. Picking up the clock and raising it above my head to throwing it against the wall.

"Stop" Sebastian said quickly, grabbing my hand right before I was going to throw it "I've had to replace your clock six times since we moved here and it's barley been a month" he mumbled, still half asleep.

He took the clock out of my hand and placed it on his side table.

"I don't want to get up" I groaned

"Then don't, stay with me"

"But I have too, I need to film the Vogue thing now or I'll have to do it when there's a million people here and I'll be constantly interrupted"

"Doll, we probably have two minutes before Emily calls you to make sure your up, so stay here with me" he took my hand and pulled me back down and wrapped his humongous arms around me.

And almost like it was right on cue, barely two minutes later my phone started ringing and the familiar dark Vader sound filled the room. I have everyone's ring tone set to a particular song that reminds me of them. Emily and ashlings are both the Star Wars theme song with dark Vadars breathing, for obvious reasons. Robert Downey jr is obviously back in black my AC/DC. Sebastian is gimmie, gimmie, gimmie a man after midnight, I've spent a lot of time on those ringtones.

I went to grab the phone but Sebastian was already ahead of me, swiping it off my side table before I could reach. He answered the phone and put it to his ear

"Hey Emily" he said politely

"Is Kadie up yet?" Emily's voice asked, cutting right to the chase

"Nice to talk to you too, yeah she's up"

"Is she setting up the camera and getting ready for her Vogue beauty secrets?"

"Oh yeah she's been up for ages, she's already had her coffee and has the camera all set up" he lied

"Sebastian I know that's not true because Kadie never makes her own coffee, you always make it for her because she said it tastes better when you do it. So get Kadie up and into the bathroom"

"Emily take a breather, Kadie will have it all done by the time you arrive in two hours don't worry"

"Be it on your head Stan" she said casually and then she ended the call

"And that's Emily on premiere days" I sighed. I got out of the bed and sauntered down to my office down the hall to grab my camera.

I love my office because it's a complete secret. There's a passage in the hallway. It looks like a few bookcases installed in the wall, there's also arm chairs and a small coffee table. But when you lift a vase, a secret door opened in the bookcase! It's one of my favourite parts of the house. Then you open the bookcase and it leads to my office. It's a large office because I store loads of things here.

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