chapter 1

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Chapter 1
Levi's pov

All I heard was a squeal when I neared the double doors of the Red Room. It was a nightclub with multiple floors and of course, I'd never been there before. It had never interested me. I was more of an introvert, preferring to stay indoors watching tv on my 52-inch flat screen curled up on my couch with some tea.

"Aren't you excited?!" Hange squealed as we neared those dreadful double doors. I said nothing just glared at those red double doors that stood strong underneath those blinding lights that titled 'Red Room' in big bold italicized letters of the club. "Oh cheer up it's been forever since we came here." She laughed seeing my scowl. I was nervous as hell that was a fact, yet it didn't seem to bother her any.

"Hange I've never been here," I said seriously frowning up at the beta as my hands shook with nerves as we neared the front. To my dismay, the line was moving fast. It was giving me no time to prepare myself for what lay inside. I was afraid I'd make a mistake or do something stupid that would ultimately embarrass me.

"That's exactly the point!" She exclaimed getting her ID out along with two twenty dollar bills for entry. She had my ID as well. She said she would hold onto it so I would have no excuse to head home, which had me cursing under my breath. She had every angle for me covered so that there would be no excuse for the night. She even gave me suppressants to avoid anyone finding out that I was an omega. I probably would have several drunk alphas or betas attempting to try something when she's not looking, otherwise.  "It's been almost 8 years since it opened and you've never been inside! You'll like it I promise." She chuckled as she handed the bouncer our ID's along with the two twenties.  Oh, how I hated those words.

"Hands." The blonde bouncer said in a gruff voice. I held my hand out to get stamped for reentry, not that, that would ever happen I didn't even want to enter once. So reentry was out of the question.

As we got stamped I felt the cold calloused hands of the bouncer as he stamped mine. My hand wasn't nearly as rough as his, you could say they were soft even, which told me he had been doing this for a long time. He was experienced. Well, the seriousness of his face was enough proof enough to show he was no pushover. Not to mention his cold eyes and height showed he was in no mood for bullshit, that he wouldn't hesitate to kick you out or take a swing in case you tried to enter anyway. 


As we walked through the doors I could immediately smell alcohol and sweat from the people that littered the dance floor moving along to the beat. The music was loud enough to blast throughout the room enough that I was able to feel my heart move along with it.

The first thing I wanted to do when I saw the scene unfolding in front of me was to get out and go back home, curl up under my blankets, and get a good night's sleep, or try to at least.

"I don't like it here." I said looking up to Hange as I grabbed her hand almost instantly for comfort. I didn't want to be left alone not in a place like this, not with a bunch of drunk alphas and betas. I knew she was going to try something the minute I heard her say "Let's go to a nightclub."

I wasn't going to let her out of my sight. Not for an instant. This place was huge, tables off to the side of the room, booths, chairs off to the side, lights blinking overhead, the bar on the opposite end of the room when you walked in, next to it stood more double doors, which probably lead to the lower levels. Over all the whole place lived up to its name, everything was red furniture, carpet, flooring all of it. The only thing that wasn't was the flashing dance lights overhead blinking rapidly in all sorts of colors.

"I want to leave." I said tugging on my overly excited best friends hand nervously. My eyes scrunched up in nerves and fear. I didn't want to look stupid and in a place like this an introvert like me, especially since I've never even been to one before, was bound to look stupid. That would lead to people laughing at me and that I couldn't bare to even think about.

"Nonsense Levi. Let's at least get a drink and check out the place." She said grinning glancing over the place like a kid in a candy shop. Ignoring my tugs of protest she tightened her grip on my hand and moved passed the people lightly shoving them aside.

She had a tight short light pink dress that was low on the neck line hanging off her shoulders barely covering her butt with short open toed 3 inch stilettoes. I on the other hand stuck with a black long sleeve, not too tight yet not too loose with a pair of dark, dark blue jeans and black high-tops. I had made sure my jeans weren't too loose or too tight, just loose enough to move around comfortably and stay up on my waist line. I had them resting on my lower v-line. Reason being they had a low waistline and my thighs and legs were muscular. To my embarrassment Hange liked to tease me about them and my butt as well, saying it was particularly larger then most, always asking if I went to the gym or played sports. To her dismay, I always diss her question, with a blush of course.

I didn't like wearing short sleeves because I had my right arm and right shoulder blade and pectoral covered with a tattoo sleeve. I didn't like showing it off. Hange hasn't even seen it, otherwise, I'd be afraid she'd be teasing me about it too. My body was ripped as some would say, a 6 pack with arms to match. Though to me I didn't like showing them off either because I had way more muscle in the past. To me, that was toned down. I do keep myself fit with in-home gym equipment so I don't get too flabby or have to see people at the gym. It was too crowded there and I'd be embarrassed.

"Hi we'd like 4 shots of tequila please." Hange said grinning at the short blonde-haired bartender. Her name tag read 'Krista'. I could easily detect the faint of an omega on her. She was short similar to my height at 5'4. She had blue eyes with her medium-length blonde hair pulled back in a low ponytail as she wore a tight red v-neck shirt with jeans. I assumed it was the uniform to match the theme.

"Here you go." She said kindly smiling at us. I kept my head down letting my hair sweep over my eyes covering them. I was shy. Not only that I didn't want her to see me and possibly recognize me outside of this place. "That's $8:50."

As she rang up Hange's card I downed my two shots without a problem. I didn't want anyone to see me so as soon as she left I took the chance to drink my shots without a problem. Alcohol never bothered me. I was already used to the burn that followed so I never needed a chaser.

Hange wasn't though. So I left her mine as she drank hers slowly wincing as each went down. She drank both chasers, one after each shot. Glancing up at her to see her downing them I shook my head letting out a small smile before looking down once again when I saw the bar tender start coming back with Hange's receipt.

"Great. Now that we've had our alcohol let's leave." I said tugging on her elbow lightly as she signed her name putting her card away. Glancing down at me she grinned but said nothing. I frowned but held her elbow tighter gently not to hurt her though. I was aware though even if she is a beta, she would definitely get hurt if I squeezed too hard.

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