chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Hey sexy." I heard a male voice say sexually. I froze because I instantly recognized that voice. It was the male stripper that was flirting with me from earlier. My breathing became a bit labored as I heard the soft clicks of his heels coming closer.

I was about to respond when I heard heavy pants walk through the double doors next to the bar and a chuckle from the bartender. I knew based off his chuckle that he had heard me sigh in relief.

"Hey Armin. I need you to..." I heard a smooth voice say forcing the flirty male stripper to stop stalking my way. I heard him sigh and turn his attention towards the man panting in the doorway. "...Did I interrupt something?" I heard the man ask slowly almost skeptical.

"NO!" I said snapping my head his direction startling them both. I lost my breath almost immediately. I mean the man was beautiful. His turquoise eyes popped out with his sun-kissed skin and brown hair. Though his looks were a bonus that wasn't what had me barely breathing. It was the fact that his very defined abs were on full display due to him not wearing a shirt.

My jaw practically dropped when I saw him. Sweat dripping down his face and abdomen almost had me growing hard if not for my self control, which I was having a really hard time controlling at the moment.

That was when I heard a soft chuckle from next to me. My head whipped around to face bar as my cheeks started to heat up. I had got caught staring. At that moment I was cursing Hange for taking too long in the bathroom.

"Sooo.... I didn't interrupt anything?" I heard amusement coming from the man as he asked. I had a feeling he was asking me but his friend answered instead saving me the embarrassment of having to.

"Guess not." The flirty blonde male stripper whose name I now learned was Armin say disappointed. I swallowed air nervously feeling the man's eyes on me. I was growing more nervous by the second.

It was when I heard his disappointed tone that I realized that my dynamics must've been found out. I was internally panicking because I wasn't sure who else had found out. Though my thoughts were cut off before they even started. 


Silently thanking whoever was calling I pulled my phone out and hopped off the bar stool to walk a little farther away, though sadly not far enough because I knew the staff and the beautiful man could still hear.

"Hello?" I asked in a surprisingly strong voice contrast to my nervous one just a second ago. It was Moblit, Hange's boyfriend. I hadn't called or texted him. So I knew he was calling me only for one reason: Hange texted him and wouldn't answer further messages.

"Hey is Hange there? She wont answer my texts or calls." Moblit spoke in a worried voice. The staff thankfully couldn't hear him because I turned down the call volume but I was a different story.

"Yeah, she's in the bathroom puking her guts out." I answered casually fully aware of the eyes on me. I was faced away from the bartender but my left side was in full view of the other staff.

"She's alone? Why arent you with her?!" I heard Moblit ask in a demanding voice as if its my fault I couldn't go into the bathroom with her. All I could do was roll my eyes forgetting about my company temporarily.

"You act as if I'm allowed to enter the women's bathroom." I answered calmly huffing in annoyance crossing my arms lazily. I sighed as he went on to nag me about not being a good friend and that I shouldn't have let her drag me here. "Shut your mouth and let me speak." I said raising my voice a little irritation clear in my tone. Though I was irritated I hadn't let it show on my face, not yet at least. Waiting a few minutes to see if he would allow me to speak. When I was satisfied with the quietness I started to speak again. "Ok first of all now that we're speaking on normal levels I'm a man and I cannot even remotely pass as a woman to enter with her. Second there are no unisex bathroom that would even let me take her in there. Third security here is tight."

When I said that I sighed as he once again started to nag me about not being a good friend. Rolling my eyes clicking the speaker button. I put my phone on the bar and asked for a glass of whiskey on the rocks. The bartender looked at me weird as if I couldn't handle my alcohol.

"Hold on Moblit.." I said glancing up at the bartender and gave him a blank stare. "I'm not a girl I can handle my alcohol." I said watching him reluctantly make my drink.

"Wait is the bartender not giving you alcohol? Did you have too much to drink?" Moblit asked aloud making me frown and close my eyes ignoring everyones eyes and curiosity.

"No I not even remotely buzzed. He thinks just because Hange cant handle her shots means I cant." I answered holding my head up with my phone under me. I kept my other hand out giving the bartender his money.

"Let me guess 2 shots for the lady?" Moblit asked laughing a little. I smiled down but shook my head, forgetting he couldn't see it.

"No you might as well make that 6. 4 tequila and 2 whiskey." I answered normally. Moblit laughed at my response before praising her for handling so much hard alcohol. "She's going to feel it in the morning." I said chuckling taking a swig of my whiskey.

"And you?" Moblit asked amusement clear in his voice. I heard shuffling a lot of it but thought nothing of it. Sighing before responding as normally as I could.

"I doubled it." I answered completely unaware of the bulging eyes behind me. I rolled my eyes already knowing the bartenders reaction. "Don't worry I was actually going to call you. Hange and I need you to drive us."

"Well I expected you to have downed more than that." Moblit said a little disappointed. I chuckled lightly before covering it up. "I've never actually seen you get drunk. How do you do it man?"

"Well I wasn't planning on drinking a lot tonight so that was about my limit for now." I answered ignoring his question. I have had years of practice so of course alcohol wasn't going to bother me. "Are you coming or not?"

"Yeah I'm actually outside. Where are you guys at?" He asked as I heard the whipping of the air around him. After letting him know of my whereabouts I hung up with a sigh. Man all I wanted to do was go home but I had a feeling he had other plans.

It didn't take him long to find us. Turning around to face him I froze seeing the male stripper and the teal-eyed boy leaning up against a table nearby whispering. I knew damn well it was about me too.

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