chapter 11

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Chapter 11
3rd pov

Levi had been explaining to Eld, Gunther, Oluo, and Petra the situation as they drove back over to the Red Room Nightclub. It was around 3:55 when they pulled up in front. Eld had quickly parked the black Cadillac SUV and walked up to the door where the blonde female security guard had been waiting.

"I.D?" Annie asked with a serious face as she saw Levi walk up glaring harshly at his phone. She didn't know why the omega was back but she wasn't ruling out the possibility that he could be the one that was coming to represent the Ackerman family.

Annie didn't move nor say anything when Levi handed her his phone to look at. Her eyes widened just a bit as she studied the content on the phone in front of her. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. No it was more like she was afraid of what she was seeing was true.

Levi had pulled up a short video that showed himself without a shirt. The video showed his tribal right sleeve and chest and shoulder, along with his wings of freedom tattoo on his back and Ackerman tattoo in script on his left forearm. It showed he was the real deal. He was the heir to the wings of freedom gang and the Ackerman's wealth and fortune. He was the next head to the most famous and dangerous gang in all of Europe. The one who was known to be nothing but cruel.

"Right this way sir." Annie stated neutrally forcing herself not to show any kind of emotion in front of the next head of the most dangerous and legal gang in Europe. Even though he was an omega everyone knew the Ackerman's are from a family of assassins. And seeing Levi as an omega, which is odd for Ackerman's considering they are usually made up of alphas, and as a legit Ackerman meant he's murdered before. That scared her, Levi has gone against the power of an omega's instincts to protect life and killed. Ackermans cant get tribal tattoos unless they assassinate. One inch per assassination and he had one whole right sleeve along with his right chest and shoulder blade, his wings one right white and one left blue wing over lap the tribal tattoos on his shoulder blade extending to his lower back and sides. One can't get their wings without surviving the cage fights 100 times and coming out on top. You can't get your name without going through a special ceremony and being recognized by every member in the gang as one of the top among the clan members.

He's a simple omega and yet he's accomplished this feat before the age of 13. Annie checked the date the video was taken and it clearly shows the omega at age 13 with fresh tattoos completed. Usually one doesn't get their finished tattoos until age 25 but it scared her that he could accomplish these unreasonable tasks at age 13 and being an omega on top of that. She knew with his dynamic of omega he was an extraordinarily strong man and very dangerous if he could easily go against his own instincts. She knew not to push so she just did her job and tried her best to avoid showing any sign of weakness in front of the true Ackerman heir.

As she lead them inside she took them to a door which looked to be a closet but in fact it was a stairwell made of stone. It lead to the fifth floor which was under the club in actuality.

As they approached the entrance to the fifth floor which held the illegal fighting matches all Levi and his friends could hear was pounding music and laughter. Though one man's laugh in particular had his heart pumping fast. Eren's. He was down there laughing with a bunch of people.

Levi's pov

"The representative is here." The female guard stated loudly catching everyone's attention as she turned the corner. She slowly moved inside the room turning around to face me as she waited for me to enter after her. Suddenly getting nervous I stopped for a few minutes to catch my breath and wipe my shaking palms on my dark blue jeans. My friends had on suits as they should when going to a meeting representing the gang.

Taking a deep breath I crossed my arms lazily and put on my harsh Ackerman glare and slowly moved into the light where everyone can see me. I kept my eyes trained on Annie as I stepped in beside her while my body guards followed me close behind with their hands on there guns subtly. My peripherals instantly found Eren who was wide eyed with shock. His mouth was hanging open as he sat with his friends. The bald server from earlier, Armin, Jean, Mikasa, and a few security guards from earlier as well, one tall black haired man and the other tall fat and blonde one were sitting around a table in the center of the room that had been pulled out for obvious reasons.

This looked to be a last minute thing because the table was pulled out with several chairs. Did that mean he had the money or did they have a bargain ready? I frowned as I gestured for my men to head in front of me with just one head gesture. I never took my eyes off of the female guard, and I think it made her uncomfortable. She's seen my tattoos and knew they were real. She understood my skill and didn't judge me based on my dynamic and I valued that in a person.

"Whats your name brat?" I asked with a bored tone. She knew a lot and I was honestly curious in her skills. She'd make an excellent addition to Ackerman clan's service.

"You can't recruit her Levi!" Petra snapped from behind me somewhat angrily. I closed my eyes and withheld a growl though from the fear I knew my crew must've heard at least a whisper of my growl. They knew me being an omega shouldn't be able to growl like an alpha but considering I can they know I'm not to be messed with but some people just don't learn.

"I dont believe I asked for your judgement Petra." I warned turning my head around to look at her from my peripherals. Her eyes widened as she realized her mistake. She wasn't supposed to speak out of turn and she knew I now had to punish her in front of everyone. Which I hated.

"Sorry for speaking out of turn." She whispered looking down. "I'll patiently await my punishment." She said softly but firmly. I nodded my head once before turning back to look at the female guard next to me.

"Its Annie Leonhardt sir." She said calmly once she realized I wanted an answer for my previous question. "I'm not looking for a career change either sir." She stated firmly with a neutral expression as if reading my mind. All I did was nod once I glanced around the room physically avoiding Eren's shocked eyes. "This is Reiner Braun." She introduced once I got a good look at who was in the room.

I nodded my thanks towards her and headed over to where Reiner was sitting which was in between a tall black haired skinny security guard and Eren, who was still shirtless. Though the person who was making out with him was gone, thankfully.

"You're the representative?" Reiner asked in disbelief wrinkling his nose as he looked me up and down obviously judging me. I instantly started frowning but stayed quiet. Though my crew and even Annie had wide eyes filled with fear for his judgment. My crew had their mouths hanging open in fear as he silently called me short by snickering at my short height underestimating me.

"Reiner..." I heard the female security guard start to whisper in lecture mode. I knew she was going to warn him so I quickly raised a hand silencing her which had her show physical worry for her friend. It intrigued Mikasa and Eren and even Jean.

"Dont take that man lightly." I heard a very familiar voice say lightheartedly from behind me. It was Zeke Yeager. He was a friend of my uncles. He tried to befriend me back in France but he wasn't my type and I felt uncomfortable around him. I can easily kill him if I need to though I've known him practically my whole life. "The skill this man has is way beyond your own." Zeke warned the blonde who wrinkled his nose in disbelief, but said nothing further as if trusting his friends word.

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