chapter 13

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Levi pov

"If you dont know who she is speaking out against then don't speak up for her. My position is above hers and I demand respect from my crew." Was all I said before waving for Annie and Eld to bring Reiner and left up the stairs. I couldn't stay with Eren tonight. I couldn't see his disappointed face.

Though little to my knowledge everyone was following me out because apparently Eren wasn't done lecturing me yet or getting the answers he wanted.

"That still doesn't answer my question.  Hitting a girl is illegal in this country." He yelled up as he followed behind me up the stairs.

"Maybe to you but those rules don't apply to us." I said coldly following the stairwell outside. From the sound of his voice I knew he was before my crew just after me, it's just I was faster.

"What makes you better than her, that you demand that much respect?" He questioned as we both made it outside where she was being tended to by Oluo, still not crying.

I nodded towards the both of them to continue but kept my eyes on her. I knew they had heard him questioning me about her. So instead I turned to her. Right now it was only the four of us outside. So I was ok with him hearing.

"Tell me, even though I give you all only one rule to follow why you disobeyed and questioned my judgment?" I asked silently answering Erens questions or he was hoping to get his answer from her. She looked down at her feet knowing it was true and I saw from her face she felt shame in disobeying my only rule. "Tell me who am I and what is my only rule for you all?"

"You are the next head of the Wings of Freedom gang and your rule for us is to not speak during important meetings." She answered quietly feeling ashamed as she broke my rule. I nodded, ok with her response because I knew Eren heard it all and had more questions.

"Now tell me when at meetings who are we representing?" I asked glancing over at a very wide eyed Eren who jaw was slack in shock of hearing who I was.

"You are representing Kenny Ackerman, the head of the gang." She answered shamefully feeling like a 3 year old child as I kept my eyes trained on Eren. Mine shown amusement and he knew it.

"Tell me what happens to me if Kenny doesn't get his way?" I asked her turning my full body towards Eren with a now serious look on my face, all amusement gone.

"Kenny tortures you for being 'weak and not a true Ackerman'." She said closing her eyes at the image of me unable to fight back against him who was born an alpha with Ackerman genes.

Erens eyes widened even further and instead of shock worry came and he understood I was a slave to the Ackerman name.

"Thats all. Take Reiner home. Eren will take me home." I said gesturing for him to lead the way as I knew he had questions.

"Eren." I heard a soft female voice sound strong yet the underlying tone was broken. Though I don't know why or how much she heard all I know she didn't hear my name. Thankfully.

"Eld. Drop ms. Ackerman off first." I stepped in gesturing to the person behind me attempting to be strong still though failing.

"Yes sir." Eld replied respectfully gesturing with his head for everyone else to get in the SUV. "Ms Ackerman." He said catching her attention.

"No I'm going with Eren." She said stubbornly. I kept my eyes trained on Eren to see his reaction. He seemed frustrated with her because he knew she was being difficult and because of me.

"Mikasa theres no room. I'm staying at Levi's tonight." He said in a stern voice although trying to be gentle. "Sorry, there's only room for him on my bike."

"But..." she started in a stutter. I knew she hated me at that moment but Eren wanted answers and for some reason he wanted to get them first without her knowing the truth of my origin.

"No. Sorry, sis but go with Eld. They're waiting to take you home." Eren said strongly yet gently. Watching her glare at me I physically rolled my eyes before swinging my leg over Erens bike and placing my hands on the handles.

From his rearview mirror I smirked at her which irritated her as she stormed into the black SUV and slammed the front passenger side door as she hopped in.

"You know how to drive a bike?" I heard Eren ask nervousness hidden in his tone. He was worried about his bike being wrecked but little to his knowledge I had at least 3 bikes at home. Ignoring his worry for the dumb thing I simply nodded my head silently and scooted up waiting for him to hop on behind me. I was aware of my tribal tattoos on my arm slightly showing. Though thankfully Eren didn't say anything about it just started the bike and gave me a helmet to wear.

Again I rolled my eyes but I was a little happy that this alpha was being over protective of me. It made me happy thinking I had a chance to claim him after all.

"Hang on tight Eren." I said kicking up the stand smoothly and revving the engine a bit hearing it roar to life bringing back memories of the old me. I felt my adrenaline pumping and before I took off I saw eld walking over. Turning my head to look at him I nodded to continue.

"Here sir. Sorry for not bringing them earlier. I didn't know you'd be driving the bike." Eld said as he nodded in an apologetic way. I nodded my head and put on the leather black gloves that I usually wore for bikes. I smiled underneath my helmet, maybe the old me could come back after all without the pain and PTSD. All I might need was Eren at my side.

"You may go." I dismissed before placing my hands on the bike handles and feeling Eren's arms tense around my torso. He was tense because an omega he doesn't know was driving probably his only bike.

Its like he was blank and not taking anything in like the felt that his was squeezing my abs instead of flab like most omegas. Unlike most omegas I had washboard abs like most alphas. It was more appealing to me and I can kill and move faster if I was fit.

Letting the adrenaline kick in I pushed off the curb and sped away down the dark streets. Turning on the headlights I raced down the streets steering the bike as I turned without slowing down. I loved the adrenaline.

When we were stopped at a stop light I quickly pulled out my phone to check the time and instantly saw it was around 5:45 am. It was almost time for me to clock into work.

"Wouldnt be the first time I pulled an all-nighter," I mumbled as I put my phone away and headed for the studio instead of my house. I knew Eren wasn't wearing a shirt but I also knew that I couldn't bring him around my house if I wanted him to stay off of Kenny's radar. So talking would have to be at my studio.

Little did I know my future alpha had heard my claims and was confused beyond belief.

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