Part 69

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"It's for Rey.. you can ground him later." Davy said now and Aizawa held a soft smile.. They then went in and I was wheeled in as well.. We got seated as I was laid upright like a restricted standing position still in restraints and in the bed.. My head was strapped on so I was unconscious but still upright.. And I moved around slightly as I was unconscious and the judge as well as the other people there got to it.. The people watched and recorded.. Davy and Aizawa were seated on the sidewall... as the horseshoe of people and important figures all across the world were now in front of them.. Aizawa didn't see the need for everyone to be involved.. My damn song was leaked and this is what happens!? Aizawa was getting pretty riled up but he kept his composure since all the important people were here eyeing his son..

And since he had legal custody of me.. He was partly responsible.. But he had to explain the before and aftermath of the entire story.. For everyone.. It would cause me no privacy and it was something he was now forced to do.. This fucking was the worst... Now Aizawa and Rey's life would be out on the table and people would judge everything... well they sort of had too... since we were in a courtroom and that was the whole point but not with the whole freaking world!?

Well.. Aizawa prepared a speech and so did Davy.. then high ranking lawyers were involved now too.. And they protested for us and against us but after hearing every fucking tragic thing that's happened to me through Aizawa who did in fact cry through some of it as well as Davy.. they were pleading to save my life... and the others were now debating my character.. The real Rey Dona.. and how much he meant to everyone.. Especially the new fan base on music I had.. They even played my songs for them and displayed the multitude of songs I had made along the years, proving with their dates of creation that lined up with their story..

And then they spoke of how Doruma should be the one to blame as well.. Seeing he was the one controlling even Roger before the chip was removed and All Might then stated a case as well stating that I was indeed being controlled.. And with the number one retired hero vouching for me and then a recorded message from my classmates and everyone.. They all made speeches for the judges.. They were getting all of the information they needed and even so.. The lawyers were saying I was too dangerous.. But many others were saying I deserved a life.

"Mister Aizawa-" The judge spoke now who was going to ask him a question but I moved around and the people heard the chains and restraints russell.. I was unconscious but moving now.. And they all eyed me.. The judge stopped to look at me as well.. And then they all had the cameras rolling at my face.. It was strained and AIzawa now was worried.. But he was more so pleading for me to stop.. It was making their case worse thinking I didn't have control.. But right now I was furrowed and then I slowly opened my mouth and breathed in and out deeply.. But then I sighed and relaxed a bit like I was in a dream.. They eyed me but then I started mumbling moving my head back and forth..

"What is he saying? He is unconscious? This is what you told us, mister Aizawa." The judge spoke and Aizawa was now hardening for my sake.

"Yes, that's right.. Rey is unconscious, however this whole time he has been fighting for his life.. This is a perfect example of how much my son has been fighting internally against the villain Roger.. Even now as he sleeps he is battling against letting Roger have control. He's protecting us all from his control." Aizaw spoke now and people whispered around as they then saw me jolt again and move around furrowed brows some more.. The judge then eyed me and how I really did look like I was dreaming and trying to defend against something.. And he then sighed, closing his eyes.. He then had people hand him papers and notes and whisper things in his ears and then all of the world leaders took on a vote.. They all eyed me and they then spoke..

"Rey Dona is to be monitored and restrained in the capital holding cell until Doruma has been detained. Heroes across the country will be in search of his lab and whoever may restrain and bring Doruma to bars will be granted special recognition. Rey Dona is too dangerous to be led into Doruma's lab himself. The nomu will  also be detained upon transferring Roger's consciousness and with extra precautions we will do the transfer in a safe and secluded area away from the cities. Rey Dona will have a chance to regain his mind and Roger will gain possession of the nomu body. The exception will be.. If Roger becomes too overpowering. Then Rey and his brother by the name Davy along with the heroes will be forced to take him into custody. It's the life of Rey.. weighing in on us all.. He will protect us in exchange once he wakes up and that will be his payment to us. For allowing him this chance. If anything goes wrong.. Rey will be detained once more and be sentenced the death penalty by decapitation.. At no consequence or concern of his memories." The judges verdict was made and they all agreed. Aizawa broke down into tears and breathed heavily as did Davy beside him as they really just accepted their proposal.. And then they hugged each other for my sake and they cried so much.. The judge then hit his mallet down and everything was over.. Katsuki and the classmates all cried with happy, hopeful and joyous tears.. While the cameras talked and talked they continued rolling and Aizawa as well as Davy then shook peoples hands with soft grateful expressions and then went for me and left for the prison they were going to be holding me in...

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