Part 2

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I was jolted around and the hit of pressure reached my body once again.. I was being dragged down by another force.. I could feel the gravity once more and I knew that I was falling. I tried to regain my consciousness however this proved to be difficult as the vessel was being jolted in all manner of directions as I spun.. I was clenching my teeth and trying to keep myself stabilized in the middle of this crowded space and then the big hit.. I landed and I had a mild whiplash effect... I was dazed but not injured.. I did it.. I was finally back on Pandora.. I breathed out in relief and panted as I smiled smiling with my canines.. Thank Eiwa..

I couldn't hear the noises from outside since this vessel had so many damages such as something blowing gas and different sparking mechanisms.. I felt it was right to get out before this ship decided to explode and that's when I smelled and saw the leaking gas and the sparks of wires. My eyes widened and I opened the hatch finally and I shuffled my feet out and ran the best I could away from the vessel. But then I saw people and more sky people... I froze and jolted up for a quick moment but then clench my teeth with knowing importance. They were surprised to see me it seemed but they didn't have guns and had suits.. White suits.. Like the scientists with our Truk Makto.

I picked the people up since there were three of them and they struggled in my grip fighting back to get out of my grip, but I moved quickly so that we all could be safe from the bird. I ran some more hurriedly and as the explosion went off I fell to the ground and was propelled forward... I hit the ground and the breath was yet again knocked out of me.. I now lay on the ground my ears ringing and my eyes not dilated as the three got up from on top of me. I was very tall and blue with stripes! They got up hurriedly and I scooted back trying to get my senses in check.. I clenched my teeth and fluttered my eyes open and closed a few times and this air.. It wasn't the rich air from Pandora I've grown up in.. this was mildly polluted.. Where was I?

I stumbled a bit but breathed in some more heavily getting used to this air and the rush of everything. The people in the white suits eyed me, jaws dropped and so were all of the other people around me. I just now realised the people around, and there were many people. I then looked up and saw another metal bird. I hardened and glared. I stood the tallest among them and my tail was behind me pointed up in defiance.

Then I could see people rushing towards me and the others as they backed away from me. The helicopter flew overhead and I ducted on instinct. I closed my eyes and they flew overhead causing gusts of winds. They flew over and didn't strike me.. What was happening? Were these sky people with Jake?

I looked back and saw someone on fire! I looked at him wide eyed and so did he to me since I was taller than All Might by maybe a few feet.

"Malaway! Malaway!" I spoke now and backed away with confused expression as I raised my hand up and truthfully I didn't know what sort of trickery this was.. How can sky people control fire on their bodies! This was impossible. I then resorted to running but I was surrounded and was halted only a few hurried steps.. I looked all around me and fear started to creep in as more people were eyeing me. I looked and saw some weird people, different hair colors, different appearances and people with flames some not even sky people but talking and moving like them.. And then there was the biggest human I have ever seen. He was almost as tall as me and had blond hair, many muscles unlike my lean muscular and fit figured. He approached me and the fire person stayed behind me. I was cornered, this human was 7'3, but I was well 10 feet.

"Hello there! You are not from around here are you? My name is All Might, can you tell me yours?" He spoke and I looked at him weirdly.. My tail and braid swung behind me on edge and my ears were jittering across the place with voices. I looked around me some more and then spoke.

"Sky people, where is Truk Malkto? Jake Sully, are you not with him?" I spoke now needing to make sure as this was bad if they weren't. They seemed non hostile but right now I wasn't sure.

"No, I don't know of a Jake Sully." He spoke now and I widened my eyes and looked with rage at the people. He knew he set me off that moment as I came charging at him. I stood tall and was just as strong as him as we were at head to head hand to hand in a struggle for power. All Might was taken by surprise as I managed to push him back and my teeth greeted him a hello as I sneered in his face.

"Sky people! Always the same! What more will you take from us!" I spoke now and they were definitely thinking I had a motive for hostility and was going to resort to violence. All Might held me up and others stood clear of the both of us as more helicopters came in with more heroes to the location. I knew this was bad.. I must have landed on one of their base positions.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about. We are not sky people." All Might spoke now still in the fight and I furrowed my brows not trusting him or believing him.

"Liar! Pandora won't let you kill our mother!" I spoke now and I did the one move that had everyone 's eyes wide and filled with shock. I did one single motion of turning and then my leg tripped him full force, planting his overgrown person into the ground. He oofed with a loud thud and I breathed out heavily as he was down on the ground. That's when all of the people around me charged in and I was completely overwhelmed. I was put down to the ground and as I had restraints put onto me with some stinging device and darks for drowsiness.. The world faded away once more and the last thing I saw was the blond man rising from the ground and walking to me.

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