Part 13

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"There's still so much that the public doesn't know. Can Zen breathe under water?" Izuku asked AllMight and he laughed.

"No he can't. But he can hold his breath for 20 minutes at a time. He's especially skilled in aerial hunting however he hasn't had that opportunity since landing here on Earth. So he's managed with hunting from the sea for his food. Another thing is that they don't cook their food. They simply eat it raw as they believe cooking it over a fire would take away all of the natural nutrients inside the meat they have hunted. It's also a religious thing, their god is known as Eiwa. And he respects the animals he's killed by saying a prayer as he prepares the food. It's his way of thanking the harvest he's managed to obtain by not burning the meat and wasting its nutrients." All Might spoke and Izuku nodded happily.

"Zen will be preparing his food here while we train right?" Izuku asked All Might and he nodded. They then looked around seeing the bag I brought with me and how it was hand sown in a different unique stitch. It was mine that I made from Lucy's materials. I had my proper knives and kits inside for the fish harvests. But as they then got back to business seeing me dive under for the fish. They too then got to it and went to move trash. I stayed under for a good 20 minutes and then resurfaced with one fish. I had a string on my bow and Arrow. It was recoiled to me and I took the fish happily. I then threaded a line through its gills and went back under. I then looked around and with my hearing and eyes underwater. I could see and hear as well as with my sixth sense. I looked around seeing a stingray. I smiled and then I saw tiny fish like minnows at the bottom eating some kelp. I then eyed around as I walked on the ocean's surface and I had adventures in my usual deep depths for the bigger fish. I noticed a predator. A shark. I aimed my arrow towards the beast and it swam away from me seeing my lights.

I then kept an alert guard but witnessed a smaller 30 to 35 numbered school of bluefish. These were the types of wishes I was after. I then took my aim and managed to get three in one strike. I smiled and these fish were small and could fit in the palm of my hand, but compared to the humans. One of these fish would be a meal for just one. I then finished my hunt and got to the surface. I took in a steady breath and treaded water. I then swam for the shore and breathed in happily as the sun was rising. These types of blue fish don't swim close to shore unless it be before or after the sun has risen or fallen. I smiled seeing I wasn't too late and got the harvest on time.

I then walked up on the beach and I dried my hair briefly by squeezing it and then I smiled putting my bow back around my middle and my arrows at my left side as I walked. My fish in my right hand with four fingers holding the string. Izuku was busy training and All Might was teasing him as he pulled on the sandy beach. He was sitting on top of a hunk of garbage and he was trying hard to move it but failed. I then appeared and he looked up to me in awe once more. He saw the fish and I walked past with my own thing going on as I then laid out my leather cutting board and got to cutting and preparing the meat. But as Izuku was watching I spoke, turning my head to him slightly.

"Kumido... your eyes should be up, back straight and legs bent so as to not hurt your back when pulling All Might's weight behind you." I spoke now and he blinked and then hurriedly fixed his posture and All Might laughed.

"What does Kumido mean, Zen?" All Might asked me and I smiled. I then turned to him and spoke now looking at his pupil, kila.

"Ku means care, Mido means much. When added together. Caring immensely for a thoughtful individual." I spoke now and his features were now intrigued but light and now in realisation. All Might saw Izuku look at me as I smiled but then I returned back to my preparations and All Might smiled back down to his pupil too. He then took a picture and Izuku snapped out of it. All Might then jumped down and gave him a necessary speech and I held a calm demeanor.

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