Part 15

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"Uh.. that's something else Zen. And you'd be fine teaching here at U.A. after ten years of being out in the field with All Might?" A guy named Vlad asked me and I then nodded and held a small smile.

"I've got many different traditions concerning teaching from my home planet. I can only hope my teaching styles aren't something the kilas will dislike." I spoke now and they wondered about my language as well. All Might then clarified some of the frequently used words that I'd be using and they all smiled and nodded to me. But then a guy with yellow hair just had to ask.

"How tall are you? Really?" A guy by the name of Present Mic asked me and I answered with a smile.

"I'm 11'2. However, when I first arrived I was around 10'2. I've grown an inch in the past ten years and will be expected to be around 14'5 by the time of my death. I also live longer than most humans. I'll live until I'm 170 years old. My father however lived until he was 180." I spoke now and they were wide eyed.

"And your culture. Do you mind sharing the different things your people do on your planet?" A young lady by the name of Midnight asked me and I responded delightedly. They then listened to me explaining the entirety of the culture and I also lit up my dots for them and they also were wondering why I was wearing casual clothes and not my hero outfit.

I simply stated that I wasn't sure if I'd be taking on this job until after seeing Nezu. They then smiled and listened thoroughly to this Eiwa and energies I spoke off. Vlad didn't believe me and All Might laughed at his face when I made the energies seeable with my blue luminescent light and now they were all believers. And finally I showed them my bond and they eyed it intrigued and filled with curiosity.

"Could you show me Pandora?" A different teacher by the name of Ectoplasm asked and I then eyed him and spoke.

"It would require a direct link to one's mind. Meaning my threads from my bond would need to puncture your skin and be linked to your spinal nerve cord and then make its way directly to your brain. It's only shared with the ones closest to me such as All Might and only some other selected few. You may ask him questions about Pandora as well. He may be the second closest person here on Earth who knows Pandora the best aside from the scientists and myself." I spoke now and they then bombarded All Might with questions as I got up and went for the rest room. Vlad kept an eye on me and he smiled at my calm collected demeanor.

But my speech of how I got here was intriguing.. Here most people thought that I landed here on purpose and was a hero to help this world on purpose. But the truth was much more complicated than that. Vlad held respect for me.. Being away from home for so long and waiting to be sent back. But also for just being a hero this world needed even when I didn't have to. It was frankly just heroic. I then went for the washroom and as I closed the door I was squished. I sighed tired but then I sucked it up and was on my knees once more doing my business and then I washed my hands and went out.

I dried off my hands and finished by eyeing the clock on the wall. I then went for a walk not liking sitting down all day much to All Might's knowledge and I went walking the halls for the training area. While the other teachers were busy relaxing. I will be busy training. I still had to keep my skills sharp somehow.. And now since I couldn't let anyone really know the truth to my strength. I kept my combat to a minimum by not using a dummy but just doing some alone fighting techniques in the air. It was good and liberating as I continued. But as I did.. The teachers noticed my absence and they then were led by All Might knowing where I'd be. They then eyed me watching my moves as I kicked and punched and frankly was doing flips and air strikes back and forth. This was really cool. They all took a seat and watched me as I practiced. They wowed at the technique as well as my stamina and strength even for being so lean and what some would consider non muscular. Since most heroes were muscular like All Might but I was just... smooth and less curvy.

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